Last Activity:
Apr 16, 2020 at 4:04 PM
Dec 2, 2007
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Senior Member
Devinish was last seen:
Apr 16, 2020
    1. Insane54
      Any chance of a unglitched version of Moon Waffle that you might have made or will have done in 5 days?
    2. Furry
      Alrighty? More spawning equations? I am no match.

    3. Furry
      I know it sounds like I'm pestering you but... Do you mind if I 'revisit' respawning and spawn areas? I would like to do research with equipment and lines of sight. I'd give you an honorable mention and would link to the previous spawning system. I figured I'd ask you since you are the master...
    4. halo kid
      halo kid
      Ive got a question.your a spawn expert right? can you help me with my maps spawns?
    5. J A Y
      J A Y
      I can tell by your Avatar.
    6. J A Y
      J A Y
      I've never spoken to you in my life, but I must say... You look very sexy in Purple :D
    7. Mace
      om nom nom i eat moon waffles for breakfast
      great map, the texture to the map realy enhances gameplay
    8. TheDarkKnight05
      hey devinish,

      would you be willing to help me with my spawns for my map infringe
    9. Furry
      Wow...I looked back at your thread and everyone's giving you a 2/5...

      This is why I liked GoO better...I heard you guys are getting spotlight, gratz on that too...
    10. Furry
      ..You can...


      ugh...thats getting old..

      anyways gratz on your (soon-to-be) feature

      Yay for laziness and not capatilization/grammar/spell-checking...

      Random, eh?
    11. Dr. Chombie
      Dr. Chombie
      Moon Waffle = feature. The elevator alone will get it featured I'm sure but oh em gee I'm jealous.
    12. Furry
      Glad to see you released Ella, I mean...Moon...Waffle...



      Nice map, I'll try and review it. Good luck with you getting it featured. Well, you'll get it featured so hopefully people won't ***** about small things like,"...But you actually have to press the action button for the elevator to work..." or something like that.

      Nice job though. Kudos to you.
    13. Psycho
      Great job, that is the best elevator I've ever seen. I'll try to get a game tomorrow on your map.
    14. Psycho
      Dude, that elevator on Moon Waffle is crazy. Did you design it yourself? I expect a feature if the gameplay is good.
    15. Phreakie
    16. Tex
      What's the word on the ele-win-map?
    17. Phreakie
      k thanks a bunch
    18. Phreakie
      did you ever get a chance to review it? i sent it to you a while back.
    19. Phreakie
      ok thanks.
      Its the first time I have ever used respawn areas and in flag, my spawn areas arent working. I set all spawn points and spawn areas to neutral in flag and I dont know if I'm supposed to do that. I did the same thing with the flag away and at home spawns at each base. Ill send you the map after school.
    20. Phreakie
      err since when are you a loyal lol i thought you were retired? O.O"
      anyways I sent you an XBL message but i was wondering if you could help me with some flag spawns on my new map. Bl00D F1R3 thinks it has a lot of potential and so do my testers but my flag spawns are horrible and my slayer spawns arent something to brag about. Its my first time using respawn areas but could you by any chance give me a hand?
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    Halo 3 Maps: UNSC Range1 (f) | Moon Waffle (f) | SndbxOLNCanvas | Aborasos | Pogonotrophy (A map so awesome, they had to lock the thread because people's heads were exploding)
    Guides: Advanced Guide to Respawns (f) | Getting Rid of Rainbow Colored Boxes