Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Have you read "The Great Dialogues of Plato?"

      Correct me if I spelled that wrong.
    2. Linubidix
      k. Illll go so sleep.

      thnak you.
    3. Linubidix
      no,. Im fine, Ill stay in off topci.
      or go watchn GeT Sarmyt!

      Un dun wany to be banned
    4. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Too late.

      I'll buy it sometime.
    5. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Sounds very interesting. I'm reading the summary now. Funny how one of the actors is named "William ****." Oh if only there was an "s" after the first name.
    6. squidhands
      agh, the original was soo awesome. Seeing a dude ripped apart in a shopping mall and be alive when his guts were feasted on was something special when I was a young'un.
    7. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Haha, that's great. I love them too. I usually prefer a great use of the "foreshadow" technique also. Such as a small thing in the storyline that turned out to be a major detail in the end.
    8. squidhands
      I've been pretty happy with what he's done so far, even with his Dawn of the Dead remake. If he can pull this off, he'll be a god.
    9. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      If there were grammar mistakes, I completely missed them. I liked the first one the best actually. How you started and ended it was quite unique.
    10. squidhands
      It looks pretty sweet. It'll be tough to get past Rorschach's Batman-esque voice, but I'm still pretty excited to see what Snyder has done. What are your thoughts?
    11. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      They do need a bit of work, and they aren't as mind puzzling as I wish them to be.

      You did a great job though.
    12. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Holy crap that was the fastest reply I've seen.

      They are a bit confusing though.
    13. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Actually, two of them. How many did you make?
    14. squidhands
      Well, that's very cool. Plot away, good sir.
    15. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Forgot to tell you I finally read your story.
    16. squidhands
      None whatsoever. How long?
      Nice to know you guys talk about me behind my back, lol.
    17. Pegasi
      Sounds like you got it covered, good luck with the application.

      I'd better go now or I won't get up in time tomorrow and I'll miss my ride. Night dude.
    18. Pegasi
      Sounds good. It would be too easy to follow the 'tenacity for argument' discussion in a direction that makes you come off as just argumentative and biggoted, but it really seems like you've gone the way of exploring the positive, personal improvement and broadening of the mind aspects. Top draw.
    19. Pegasi
      Pah, acronyms fail.
      Is it bad that I actually saw UNSC when I first looked at the message? That **** runs deeo....
    20. Pegasi
      Lol nice, I think that's a great choice actually. Good discussion really helps make you as a person (from what I know of you anyway), expands your mind, often strengthens resolve and yet you're willing to be proven wrong cause often that's the point of discussion, although you don't go down without a fight. What is this USC you speak of? A college?
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****