Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Grr, you evaded my plan. You are very unpredictable.
    2. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Yes it is, but I shouldn't really complain.
    3. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Ouch. Well at least your teacher isn't your mom.
    4. Pegasi
      Win. The idea of "just a cruise missile" will forever be etched in my mind.
    5. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      What's up evil?
    6. Pegasi
      The internet is deceptive, precisely how suggestive was that wink? Freud would have a lot to say about cruise missiles were he alive today.
    7. Pegasi
      Lol, I know you Sarge, there's a cruise missile behind that flag and no mistake. My general point was that lsd is probably the better choice, as you say, if you wana go for something properly in terms of full on. I just see alot of bad press for shrooms outside the UK (and more and more inside since the law change).

      But still, I ain't done squat out of them, so as far as the actual experience goes my words ain't worth jack.
    8. Tex
      Your friend must live in the south. Because free psilocybe grows outdoors, naturally, and in...of course...****. Whereas commercialized psilocybe is grown a bit cleaner, considering to grow on **** may cause infection of the shroom, therefore the deaths caused by poisonous mushrooms.
    9. Pegasi
      *Agrees with Tex*

      I can see the preference, and tbh if you want a strong hallucinogen (and that's kinda the point ain't it?) then LSD packs much more of a punch (both based on research and experiences of many mates). Again, from mates' experience, you're damn right about the taste. I guess I'd just like to go via shrooms cause I get edgy about my mind being screwed with that much and would like to work myself up to it. Also, as far as side effects go, bear in mind that flashbacks can be quite common, and I personally know a guy who got spiked with LSD once and went through mental treatment (thinking he was a roman, I kid you not) for like 10 years. An extreme example I know, and hardly a fair indicator of all eventualities or even average results, but in worst case that **** can do bad stuff, and side effects of a lesser degree are quite common (my best friend has done it like twice and she gets flashbacks sometimes, not unpleasant by her account, but there)
    10. Tex
      Mushrooms are primarily grown on bread.
      LSD you can't OD on, but you can permanently effect your mental system.
      Mushrooms, you'd puke before any sort of mental capacity is lost (permanently).

    11. Tex
      *Jumps into Sarge/Peg convo*

      LSD is about equivalent to psilocybin when speaking in safeness of a hallucinogen. To try both would show which is comparatively more spiritual/enlightening. Just make sure you are in a safe environment. =]
    12. Pegasi
      I can get the personal experience side of things, there's no way I'd be able to do something that had such an effect on my own life as that sounds. Pot can do some bad stuff to you if you let it (that puts way to much of a skewed emphasis on it's own role I know, but I hope you get my meaning), and it's all to easy for people to forget it when the social attitude towards it is so much more lax than other drugs. But tbh drink always seems that little bit worse to me, though this is alot to do with that same lax attitude to something that has to be enjoyed with respect, but more so cause it's legal and thus "OK" in so many peoples' eyes.

      Can I ask why you'd go for LSD over shrooms though? I dunno about the scene/attitude towards them in the US (Plus I know such things vary wildly across the states), but something that occurs in a natural way always seems like a more appealing route to me than something created chemically.
    13. Pegasi
      I never say no for definite, when I was younger I would have said I'd never do weed, but hey. I'd just wana feel comfortable in myself when I do it, but I can see myself having a go one day, hell I've never even done teh shrooms.
    14. Pegasi
      Lol no, I don't go there, that shiz terrifies me tbh :P

      Just my weird mental equivalent of ramblings, some teachers back in school got really sick of my mind-wanderings and confused at the comments they produced on my part when brought sharply back to the real world.
    15. Grif
    16. Pegasi
      It's true, but I guess it's hard to laugh at their ridiculous little arms when they're tearing your head off. At least this is the case from personal experience.
    17. Pegasi
      The front page is bigger than all of us, I think there's a T-Rex behind it somewhere..
    18. Pegasi
      Pah, post front page and say that again.
    19. Pegasi
      I ain't no Mod's bihatch, pah *grumbles about permissions*
    20. Pegasi
      Shhh, Pegasi never fails! Don't make me go on a self-preserving deletion spree... :P
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****