Metallic Snake
Last Activity:
May 21, 2011 at 6:27 PM
Jun 23, 2008
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Serving the Good Lord

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Metallic Snake

Ancient, from Texas

Senior Member
Metallic Snake was last seen:
May 21, 2011
    1. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      =\ So what else have you done with the map?
    2. Juggernaut
      Yea. It's good advice. And when I live long enough to be able to tell people what to do, I'll be very awesome.
    3. Juggernaut
      I see. You're coach prolly heard that from someone else and the chain goes on.
    4. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      inorite? (Oh, and go view BBP group)... =\
    5. Juggernaut
      Jesus that was good info. You prolly quoted that though from somewhere right?
    6. Nobody Worthy
    7. Juggernaut
      I'm sorry. I had Insane close it since we've work out our problems and we've decided to just support each other and try to spend tons of time together.
    8. bam3214
      oh ok. but i'd choose the crematorium over yellow star bursts. plz have mercy!!!
    9. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      lulz, I'll do it with you if you want. :P (And INORITE?! :D)
    10. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      I think Security is the best to do it on.
    11. bam3214
      Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the yellow starbursts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're pure evil!
    12. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Sure thing. --Yeah, River isn't the best level to hoarde on anyways. :P
    13. bam3214
      NOOOOOO! not the red starburst!! the yellow ones taste so bad! how are my men supposed to eat?!?! I surrender. you win.

    14. Paulie Walnuttz
    15. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      If you can't trust them, then they're not your friends. (IMO) --I've got that power too. :)

      And yes.
    16. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I don't evan have the map anymore. I gave it to Picceta. He has it now. I gave it to h im like a month ago!
    17. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Well......... it's true that it hurts to hurt people. But sometimes it's ok to. You just got to hurt yourself the less. Let things work out themselves. You'll see. Go with what you think is the best idea. You have more knowing of this than I do, so I can't say much. But if things turn out ok with you and girl 1 and if you do really like her then go with her. If try to get to know girl 2 more. See if thing's could work out between you two. If not then just don't bother with either of them and move on.

      (and sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I was talking with the girl that I like)
    18. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      lawlz. Sucks.
    19. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      ooo smalll um a cat lol it couldnt hurt me that bad....
    20. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      a horse so i would die fast lmao
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  • About

    Serving the Good Lord
    Michael -hello, im Mike, im a 15 years old, a christian, as well as a gymnast, in ninth grade. i dont have much hair due to a childhood sickness called alapeisha (dont know if i spelled that right). its completely harmless, not at all contagious, not hereditary, and makes me looks somewhat like the Live Free or Die Hard version of Bruse Willis, but not old

    artistic design, music, gymnastics(im not gay), drawing, and forging.

