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Feb 22, 2008
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Jan 26, 1992 (Age: 33)
Denver, Colorado

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Ancient, from Denver, Colorado

Senior Member


Debo37 was last seen:
Jan 29, 2023
    1. Pegasi
      Congratz on your feature Debo, it was a sure thing sooner or later. I just can't believe that I hadn't seen this map before, ah well, it will stay on my HD for a while by the looks of things, hope that makes up for it.
      Don't forget me when you get to the top.
    2. evan12075
      congratz Debo, Interrobang got the triple crown and can has 876834654247 downloads... First Community Faves... then Bungie Faves... and now the Forge Hub Feature... i feel so special for being part of Interrobang (sorta)... yup, now when peope say "OMG did you see that awesome Interrobang map!@$?!?!?!!one!!?!?1" i can say... "aahhh yup, i helped playtest that and made a couple suggestions to make the map better"
    3. Nitrous
      Except for you, you can touch me.
    4. Pegasi
      Sounds very good, nicely ordered for actually helping to build a map step by step.
      A suggestion for a final section (or maybe just a side note) would be tips about how objective games interact with the map geometry, for example what kind of gametypes are suited to what kind of maps and how useful custom variants can be (This could probably be combined into the gametype section though) and tips regarding objective specific geometry (for example, looking at flag cap/bomb plant routes across the map) and trying not to make them too easy or hard - cover, distance, gaps and jumps (since you cant jump as far with a bomb/flag). This could probably be condensed into the placement section though.

      I just noticed that I've pretty much negated the section I suggested lol, but ah well.

      You might also want to remind people about little things like flag walking/bomb walking - repeatedly droppping and picking up the objective so you can move at normal speed, just a thought, as some people assume flag carriers etc. will always be slow.
    5. Pegasi
      lol, small undertakings have a nasty habit of growing don't they. It is looking good though, I like your item explanation sections, very informative and concise. I also like how you explained how multiple bomb spawn/plant points work, very useful, as well as explaining what "attacker" and "defender" actually mean in the assault context. That one kinda got me when I started out and I placed the attacker spawn next to the defender plant when doing CTF = insta-score = fail.
      Nice one dude, keep on it, I'm sure people will appreciate it, I will for one.
    6. Nitrous
      Can't touch me!
    7. sparten57
      i dont think so
    8. Pegasi
      Can is haz debo reconz? ;)
    9. Pegasi
      This is not definite, and a little hazy in memory. But when I was making Temple Nights and trying to get CTF working, I had the trouble that if you delete the default spawn it brings itself back, I ended up moving it instead and it worked. But what I noticed was that when I tried to play CTF before fixing the problem, there were 2 flag spawns and only the one outside the map (the default one I had tried to delete) was active. I think it chooses one and goes with that, based on priority of some kind, probably which one was placed first or which one is the default one (if the canvas wasn't done properly, as mine wasn't)
      I don't know if this will be the same for return points though, I would check as I have alooot of spare time being on holiday, but have no Xbox atm, sorry dude.
    10. Pegasi
      Yay! someone who suffers from the same thing as me, compulsive writing.
      I'm working on a review atm (coming along very slowly since I'm away from my Xbox until the weekend) and my "initial impressions" was almost a page...
      My posts follow the same trend, some appreciate it, some don't. But rest assured that I have no problem reading a long guide when I know it will be worth it. Just look at that spawn guide that came out recently, the one with all the demonstration diagrams, it went on foreeeeever. But it rocked.
    11. Pegasi
      I like.
      Most guides tell you what you have to do, but yours tell them exactly why as well. What you said about people not reading the description is so true, this looks like another good guide from you.
      I now have a preview of your guide on my visitor page, a pre-release or Beta if you will, and it will be my claim to fame when the guide comes out. Mwaahahaha
    12. Pegasi
      Will do, I must say I kinda hoped you would choose that as objective placement is something I kinda gloss over in my maps. Expect to see a new version of AstroTurf shortly after :P
    13. Pegasi
      I think an overall weapon guide could be good, looking at the tutorial master index there doesn't seem to be an all around weaponing guide. Your profiling and tips for each grenade type was a strong point of your guide, and if you took this principle to weapons it could be really useful. Possibly two guides could be useful though, one on normal weapons (when to use each, where to place, their characteristics/strengths/weaknesses, what kind of maps each weapon is suited to) and one for power weapons (this could be a bit more detailed since power weapon placement is so key to a balanced map, and have a more detailed focus on the roles and suitability of each weapon). This is a pretty big endevour though, and could be very time consuming.
      Something smaller could be a guide to effective objective placement, or generally how to tailor gametypes to your map. This could be extended into custom gametype tips, how to fully utilise custom gametype variants to suit your map instead of always using defaults and having to make compramises on the map as a result.

      These are things I personally have trouble with and feel your logical explanation could really be helpful for. If I think of anything that there really is a niche for in terms of guides then I'll let you know.
    14. Pegasi
      AstroTurf is finalised for now (oxymoronic or what), I've dealt with all known issues and am happy with it for the moment. I am toying with a couple of structural additions but nothing major or definite. Heres a link to the current version, AstroTurf v1.4. I'm glad you like it and thanks for picking out the angles of this map as a defining feature, its alot of what I was going for when creating it. I would be very interested to see what you come up with if it does inspire you, your grasp of the principles of forging seems very sound and it could be something really special.
      Another guide from you would be a welcome addition to ForgeHub, I'd be interested to see it if you do end up making one since I found the last one so useful.
      Nice work.
    15. Pegasi
      Your guide on grenades did me well, I've reduced AstroTurf to only 2 types now - frags and plasmas, so thanks. I also pointed a couple of others in its direction now that I have seen the sense of your wise words.
      Also, I noticed your on the first page of members when ordering by rep, deservedly so, nice one man.
    16. Triggerhappy915
      Lol, I checked it out, you know that took me like 20 minutes to pull out my ass lol.
    17. alexisonOATH
      I have yet to hear the whole cd=[ I drove my friends crazy with Chokechain. They were like 'What is this crap?!' Holler is definitely good. I need to listen to 'WAIT'.
    18. evan12075
      I's only got 3 points, but i assume you got a lot from the grenade guide... i need to make a guide...
    19. mitona
      wtf WHY DO I HAVE BAD REP >,<
    20. evan12075
      im sad to say... im delaying my blackout project... but im working on an awesome map on foundry for one sided gametypes (for LoF competition) i gotta show it to you next time we're on.
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    Jan 26, 1992 (Age: 33)
    Denver, Colorado


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