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Feb 8, 2020 at 4:07 AM
Dec 29, 2007
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Nov 17, 1989 (Age: 35)

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Senior Member
G043R was last seen:
Feb 8, 2020
    1. Mastar
      Glad you like my screens =]
    2. DRiSCOLL
      hey again just saying hi and hows life

      edit:does this mean im invited into the review hub social group, just curious
    3. DRiSCOLL
      thanks i'm looking forward in playing some maps with you in the future
    4. DRiSCOLL
      hey, Ive been talking to the yellow and he said that i should take it up with you, so here i am i was just wondering am i in the review hub, Ive made two reviews in two days and if becoming a member they would become official, or i would set up a match, I'm sure i good get people review hub and/or not i know the rules and I'm aware you losing members, here the link to my first review and with cmts from other review hub members, here's the second.

      thanks for your time
    5. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      your last visitor message was a week ago. just posting one to let you know that we still care
    6. Bottlecap
      Ok i posted my review for project s so you can like put it on record or something.
    7. joeyshofe
      u said you will make hotel zanzibar 2
    8. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      ohai dere
    9. Cosmic Rick
      Cosmic Rick
      Sorry I missed your PM's in IRC. I wasn't paying any attention at all. See you around.
    10. iversonrocks03
    11. iversonrocks03
      hey, mind posting on my corrosion thread, what you thought of the map gameplay wise and anything i might need to fix? it would benefit me a lot
    12. G043R
      Well What I am meaning is the xbLive account the group on FH is only for Full GoO members... you'll get the understanding of it down the line probly...lol
    13. Pegasi
      Says its invite only...
      Also, I should probably wait to see if I'm accepted before asking for an invite, what do you reckon?
    14. Pegasi
      I'll shoot you an FR right away using the website, but won't be back home with my xbox until this sunday, maybe I'll catch you in the late night GoO session.
      Whats your GT so I can send it now, I remember it being the same as your screename here, but just want to check if that is the case.
    15. NeverlessWonder
      Hey G04, how's Loyal treatin ya?
      Just wanted to point out an error in your Bisquit quote.
      "It's not how you look... it's not how much money yo... it's how you treat her and your personality that'll get 'em in the end. -Tender Bisquit"
      Just take out the bolded word. :) See ya around man.
      hey dude I'm sorty about leaving so fast I had something really important to do =/
    17. the whyher
      the whyher
      I have been trying too, not much time right now, my wedding is in a few weeks!!! WOW, so trying to get stuff done, I started a few things but stopped, Ill be hard back at work little later, you good at geomerging? want to show me some tips sometime the next time im on, Its hard to get stuff very low to the ground, anyways, yea I have been here for awhile but dot post that much, just ghost around lol... alright bro ill catch you later...
    18. Pegasi
      You can Loyalz, congrats! I always love ur posts, they're well thought out and balanced, not to mention your a standup guy. You'll make a great addition to the prpl ppl
    19. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      con gratz on lo yal
    20. G043R
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    Nov 17, 1989 (Age: 35)
