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Mar 20, 2022 at 6:03 PM
Jan 22, 2008
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Apr 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
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Ancient, from Hanover

Senior Member
InferiorPigeon was last seen:
Mar 20, 2022
    1. chrstphrbrnnn
      Yes we are hoping we should take Bst infection..tho I doubt we'll best original. Any support we get is awesome ;)
    2. chrstphrbrnnn
      pigeon r back!
    3. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I have had the red ringf for a few weeks and I should be getting it back any day now.
    4. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I need more testers for High Voltage. Can you be on and test it with me tomorrow? Preferably tomorrow night?
    5. SFM PuNk
      SFM PuNk
      Alright. Thanks anyways.
    6. SFM PuNk
      SFM PuNk
      Alright dude. I reall yneed to know now. Can you help me with this project or not? It needs to be done by December 1st, no exceptions. if you cannot do this, I don't know what to do. So? And I found an easier way to write it. SFM=10 light bars AWAY=17 light bars (27 light bars total). Hopefully that works. Then, the 9 and 0 that goes under the names have to be something else. Then, we need a bomb plant, and on the bomb plant I want a hammer and a sword crossed together with 3 different powerups on the plant. How does that sound?
    7. SFM PuNk
      SFM PuNk
      Hey do you still want to work on that grifball project for me? Sorry to bother you, but I really want to get cracking on it. Can you work on it with me on Saturday night? And also, the SFM needs to be changed to BLP. That would be very helpful. Everything else is pretty much the same. So, saturday night work for you?
    8. TheDarkKnight05
    9. TheDarkKnight05
    10. Huntar
      hey, just letting you know im phoenix, just giving you a notice =p

      ima get a 50 in snipers =D
    11. PPMooCowPP
      what's your GT?
    12. Huntar
      im going to do it later, i got school =|

      So ill be on like 3 pm PST =]
    13. Huntar
      I got mai xbox! snipers later? (:
    14. SFM PuNk
      SFM PuNk
      Okay. I really appreciate this. I'm sure it will look great.
    15. SFM PuNk
      SFM PuNk
      Well, I am really happy to have you do this. On the weekends, are there any certain times you would like to get together and get cracking on it? I am available on Friday from 4:00PM to 10:00PM EST, on Saturday from 10:00AM to 10:00PM EST, and any time on Sunday before 6:00PM EST.
    16. Security
      Feature my paint creations?
    17. SFM PuNk
      SFM PuNk
      Okay well first off, I knew you had the skill needed, and second off, I thought Phordian was great. I will send you a friend request, and if I am not on, and it isn't a big hastle, maybe you could finish a step for the day and suggest it to me by taking a screenshot in Theater. Just an idea. Thanks so much man. You are the greatest.
    18. SFM PuNk
      SFM PuNk
      OKay dude. Sounds great. This is going to look awesome. I can tell. What maps have you made that I can look at?
    19. Security

      Me 'n Ch33s3y


      Ch33s3y punching me

      thats all
    20. Security
      I just made some for ch33s3y, wanna see 'em?
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  • About

    Apr 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    Hey! I'm 19, and a Sophomore at Hanover College. My real name is Brandon, if you wish to know. I haven't been too active on this site in a long time. Although I'm really enjoying Halo 4's forge, so that's probably going to change. :)

    I enjoy playing video games (obviously), I also love hanging out with friends. Oh, and I love music.


    Ah yes. The good 'ole signature. This one will be boring. All my old maps are gone. It's time to start anew!​