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Sep 1, 2013 at 11:33 PM
Feb 1, 2008
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Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
North East uk

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Ancient, from North East uk

Senior Member
Matty was last seen:
Sep 1, 2013
    1. Psycho
      Well there we go! Lol. I'm already on your friends list so one weekend I'll get up early and play some 'ol morning MLG. It's almost midnight, gotta sleep now. Good night... or for you, good morning lol.
    2. Psycho
      That's fine. I guess you'll probably be hosting some MLG games some other times right?
    3. Matty
      Sorry man, someone else might continue it.
    4. Psycho
      I have school until 2:30 though. It would start at 12:00ish and end at 3:00 so I won't be able to make it. This sucks! The only MLG party too.
    5. Psycho
      Dang, it's 11:19 PM where I am (Seattle) and I probably won't be able to make it. Stupid time zones. I'll try to get in in the last hour or so if I can.
    6. Psycho
      Would your TGIF party be from 1:00 to 3:00 PST? I tried to do the conversions, but I want to make sure I get in on your party. It's tough to make it because we live 8 hours apart, but can you check these times for me? Thanks.
    7. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Matty you pushed me away with your attitude. That's why I stopped playing with you. It became a hassle to try and make it fun for you and for me. As for the past few months, I haven't been playing with anyone, so I didn't give you special treatment. In the past I've tried having simple and pleasant conversations with you, but it always ended up negative because you wanted to complain about something. Nowadays I can't even make a simple joke, so I guess I shouldn't say anything at all except for the occaisional greeting. As for myself, yes I have looked at my actions to see if I was unreasonable. The reason I can write this is because I feel justified in the way I have been treated. But the past is past, look to the future and ways to improve one another.
    8. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Matty I don't feel ashamed or guilty about any of this. You brought this on yourself. Advice for the future if still care about keeping friends. Learn to laugh and smile, be jovial and joking, take everything with a grain of salt and don't harbor anger. Take all criticisms and compliments. Most importantly breath deeply and chillax when angry and you'll be more clearheaded.
    9. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Matty there was never any drama but what you percieved, at this point your overactions are predicatable.
    10. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      It isn't about the rep Matty, I'm afraid that you won't get it and you never will...
    11. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Matty then obviously you never paid any attention to me at all.

      Besides, I didn't exactly start it, Shock did. I just went a step further. I think the clear message is not that it was annoying, which was never intended. The purpose was to give a good laugh Mr. Serial Face. Add to that, that the post was also to illustrate the point that your gamertag is perfectly fine.
    12. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Matty I just happened to look at my rep and you gave a negative comment concerning your gamertag thread. Honestly, if you did the same I would laugh. It's what friends do they are able to relax and have fun and take things less seriously at times. Stop taking things personnally it gives you a negative outlook on life.
    13. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      That'll be 6am for me, I'll try and get on around then but at the latest I'll be on at 8pm your time.

      As for this proposition, care to clue me in?
    14. Mallet
      stereophonics bbc2 now gogogogo
    15. Tex
      This is just a message to let you know I will get back to you. I don't have long on the computer, otherwise I'd be less vague.

      I will explain in more detail at a later time, I just didn't want to sign off, and you be all like "what teh fuk?! I'll kil im"

      =] ttyl.
    16. Mallet
      It is on! Gawsh!

      Visitor mesages is a srsly fail method of having a conversation.
    17. Mallet
      Yes I has dave. QI rawks.
    18. Mallet
      Its not on at 10 though, theres no clash you can watch both. Did you think I meant in ten minutes? I are confused.
    19. Mallet
      *ctrl + v*

      Wut? Never mind the buzzcocks isn't on. And Newcastle? I though you lived in the south. Cool stuff though
    20. Mallet
      Whats jools holland? ...are you srs? Its a programme about music, artists from all different genres play live in the studio.
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    Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    North East uk
