Frag Man
Last Activity:
Sep 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Sep 1, 2008
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Frag Man


Senior Member
Frag Man was last seen:
Sep 28, 2011
    1. bigbucketsbilbo
      ok then. who was the mod whose buttons got pushed?
    2. bigbucketsbilbo
      well that'll do it. Trust me im always pushing Creeping Deaths buttons... He hates me so i get an infrcation every day
    3. bigbucketsbilbo
      literally? what did they say to you?
    4. bigbucketsbilbo
    5. bigbucketsbilbo
      WOOHOO! Warned FTW!
    6. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Quote of the day:

      Things unseen, are best left unseen.
    7. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Oh, there are many possible names for me to guess. Without knowing which is the exact one on your birth certificate (although I most certainly may) leaves this entire defense of yours theoretical. The names that I guess could theoretically be correct, or they could also be false, but you sir are the only one who could be able to tell between the two differing factors unless I myself know what your name is before you reveal it yourself. Theoretically, you may not have a name at all, who am I to know?

      Silly silly.
    8. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Why would I want your personal information, you're making me sound like a pedophile, Sir. I found a few things whilst doing detective work that relate to you, and you seem to be noticeably deterred by my "endeavors", if that's what you would like to call them.

      Silly thing.
    9. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Keep guessing? Why must I do so, I've found my answer.

      Silly silly, like a snake. A google search goes farther than you think, Ron.
    10. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      My name is Dom, silly. I'm also not the one here trying to hide it (nor my gamertag).

      You're quite the silly man, Ron.
    11. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      You're a silly man, Ron.
    12. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      You're a silly man, Ron.
    13. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Quote of the day:

      If one is to say virtue, he must first have the same virtue himself.
    14. thesilencebroken
      nobodys perfect, i dont hold it against her.
      if she wasnt famous, nobody would be up in her **** about it anyways.
    15. thesilencebroken
      oh my god, i bow down to your shitty logic! you got me there man!

      pfft if anything, the press she got from rehab was negative. Some people genuinely **** up their lives and wish to try to fix it. Guess you wouldnt know anything about life eh?
    16. thesilencebroken
      you also know shes human, went to rehab and got better, right?
      thats why shes not in the headlines anymore. shes not making an ass of herself anymore.

      cause knowledge is power.
    17. thesilencebroken
      why yes, yes i do.
      i got her issues of maxim and new york magazine, and i have an autographed 8x10 of her.

      that avatar owns anyone elses. the end.
      No!!! You better not or else I'll just have to keep on re-posting it.
      I still think it's working. As long as it stalks your group then it worked.
      Nope, You already used that weapon on me. Now I'm useing my weapon.
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