Creeping Death
Last Activity:
2y 21w ago
Jan 13, 2008
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Jan 26, 1981 (Age: 44)

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Creeping Death

What's a Halo?, from Boston,Ma

Senior Member
Creeping Death was last seen:
Oct 19, 2022
    1. Tex
      I know what you mean, I will go insane if mine rrod's too..
    2. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Well do something, just buy me a new xbox.. Just until I get mine back, then you can return the one you buy me and get your money back. See.. That will work out just fine. :)
    3. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Yea buy yourself a new xbox, And while your at it.. Buy me a new xbox too.
    4. Tex

      Buy a new xbox >:|
    5. Iv0rY Snak3
    6. LIGHTSOUT225
      i threw down another map design, sort of a one-sided sanctuary (from H2) if you will. If you're down this could be an even easier forge than helvetica. most supplies are out there already and theres still well over $200 left. and uses the whole of foundry, so very little break issues will arise
    7. LIGHTSOUT225
      u HAVE to see what i did to the map. could be dope. its in slot 20 in my FS, itll be blocked off in asymmetric games.
    8. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      For the 4th consecutive day, Microsoft can't take in my xbox for repair because now their "System is down" before it was a "System Upgrade".. WTF!! I'm starting to think they are doing this on purpose.. Bastards!!
    9. LIGHTSOUT225
    10. LIGHTSOUT225
      ha thats shitty. yall need to get some new boxes
    11. LIGHTSOUT225
      still a bit breakable, but its an easy fix
    12. LIGHTSOUT225
      swap yours out with mike's when he's not looking.. shhhhhh
    13. LIGHTSOUT225
      what?! NOOOOOOOOO

      k ill rundown what i did, rotated some boxes in A base that had ledges (fixed), re-merger A deck ledge wall, replaced dumpsters with single merged boxes, took vertical interlocked bridge from A and added to snipe cubby top like the other one, replaced vert. bridge with interlocked walls, had to get rid of an AR, moved a window panel to block other side of crane, blocked panel corner of A base with sign.

      only one tiny spot left to fix. brainstorming
    14. LIGHTSOUT225
      no worries, i did some interesting stuff
    15. LIGHTSOUT225
      nearly unbreakable, wanna see?
    16. Mallet
    17. Mallet
      YouTube - Fat Boy Slim - Slash Dot Dash (MV)
    18. Mallet
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    19. LIGHTSOUT225
      ill be online in 2 hours if youll still be up. im on lunch right now.
    20. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Then if you are trading in your PSP.. Leave me your charger cause I can't find mine. That would be a clutch roommate move, Also... Check my PSP cause I think I got one of your games in there.

      Ps. My fart stunk about 3 minutes ago, So bad that I thought I shat myself.. I gotta go check.