Ja Red is Ninja
Last Activity:
Mar 13, 2010 at 12:27 AM
Jan 20, 2008
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Ja Red is Ninja

Ancient, from Frog Hub

Senior Member
Ja Red is Ninja was last seen:
Mar 13, 2010
    1. Boyle06
      sad face... i might test out my theroies and make one then when i get my box just for the pre DLC lovers out there nothing big hr worth of forging prob...
    2. Boyle06
      nvr made the map on construct???
    3. IrishBeast
    4. IrishBeast
      wow askar... just wow... otherwise just have not been on regularly and computer has been getting fixed so yeah the map has been ended :( but whtev we both forgers no matter what happens tot that map!
    5. DeathToll77
      lol Idk. wats up
    6. DeathToll77
    7. STEClash96
      Yeah it was Random. Out of nowhere.
    8. M.Jelleh
      hey nice tut, but are you going to put up dialated or another map using the technique soon in your fileshare?
    9. StreetSoccer12
      hmm pretty cool, I really cannot wait to see how you do it. It must have been really hard to geomerge on pre DLC though, can't wait for the tutorial!
    10. Boyle06
      lol i was being paciente... (that be spanish)... i r just trying to see if i was right... n apparently i was WRONG... i thought u would say POSTED... that way i didnt have to keep checking iur threads every 5 mins.... but it didnt work (sadface) and i believe u will be fine w/o pics but ill do some MS PAINT ones if u would like till u can take some... :> ya i like MS PAINTING it fails so hard that it is EPIC WIN like being so cold it starts to BURN
    11. Furry
      If it gets to offensive you can, but don't worry.
    12. Boyle06
      supose ur posting that TUT now...
    13. StreetSoccer12
      I didn't know you could geo-merge on Pre DlC, How come you never told me ;]

      hmm..guessing you found out recently.
    14. Furry
      I'm not the one to talk, I usually speak freely but I just would rather not see another person get an infraction or a warning. Some people think I'm negative but its just because I try to help. I know what you're saying though, some maps aren't good for a certain person.

    15. STEClash96
      Hey, your timezone is -8 from mine. >:[
    16. Resix
      teach me how to geomerge pre dlc nao!
    17. Furry
      Why are you such an ass in the latest feature? Is it that time of the month or something?
    18. IrishBeast
      happy b-day and i might lose my x-box.... mad bad grade so the sooner you get on the better, and what is your exact problem!
    19. IrishBeast
      dude how the x-box?
    20. IrishBeast
      ...... did a lot to it, I mean that huge structure I was making!.... it is sweet, starting and trying to make perfect a bridge platform inside defenders base!
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Frog Hub
    Ja Red is Ninja
    I am part of BrokenBlaze Productions and I make machinima as part of ArchaicNinjaStudio.s

