Hey, can you maybe get on-line tday and help me out some with my newa map bio-hazard. I've hit a dead end.
also you could help With pipeworks, I am already collaborating it with solo92 but you could join every once in a while and help with some merges or somthing.
Hey evolluion. What is up with MLG slash. still working on it. how much longer you think it will take.
hey, i saw your message on my new map. i remeber seeing your map, it looked pretty sweet. thanks for the comment. i agree with you completely
Hey i just posted a map called crossfire V2 it is nothing special seeing i only worked on it for 8 hours. but i expect to post a V3 soon. you should check it out.
Woah, that's great for a first map, i really like that rockwall. Link me MLG SLASH when you finish. I can't play this map right now cause i'm grounde dbut when i can i will and i will let ou know what i think.
If you want to know how to make the awesome neon effects on the pictures just go to your photobucket acount and under effects you can find neon.