Frag Man
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13y 24w ago
Sep 1, 2008
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Frag Man


Senior Member
Frag Man was last seen:
Sep 28, 2011
      All talk no action.
      Oh really? I can't wait. But, I'm still not scared.
      Secreat weapon eh? Your going into a losing battle with only you who hates Haruhi vs. a whole group filled with 11 members who loves the show. I can't wait to see your secret weapon of yours.
      Pal? I didn't know it was like that, If it's war they want; then we'll give them war.
      I did a little Hit and Run attack of my own in your little social group. Your group is a direct threat to the group of Haruhism prepare to be attacked.
    6. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Group created. All those who wish to stay away from Haruhi may join.
    7. Mr Pokephile
    8. RadiantRain
      Yup! It does not scare me.
    9. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Well good luck. For now you won't be infracted because I can't infract you for something that we don't technically have a rule for yet, which is harassing another member. But seriously, your opinion is your opinion. If you feel I was a jerk about banning Bilbo, then that is you. It's just that the people in power do not agree. Sorry.
    10. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      You don't learn. You simply ignore what I say and try to get the last word in.

      And you threaten me not to threaten you? Hahahah (yes I am laughing at you)

      I don't see you with any authority around here, but whoa! What is this? I have authority? Hmm, looks like I will have to use it. You get 2 infractions for twice ignoring my request to let it go. And like I already said, any more talk on the subject will result in more.
    11. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Umm, no. Like I already said, we don't have to be pretty little princess' when dealing with people like him. All I said was LOL. Trust me, that is not a negative response in the grand scope of things. Plus, I was laughing at his train of thought, not him directly. Anyone could see that. Except for you however. And since I have warned you three times now to let it go, this being the fourth, and a full Mod has came in to warn you not to undermine my authority, you will now be infracted. Sorry, but you brought it upon yourself. Any further questioning of authority regarding this subject will result in more.

      Just let it go man, we have our rules and regulations and I have broken none.
    12. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Holy crap, my visitor count just went up 100 counts. Are you guys stalking me?
    13. Tex
      Frag. I read the convo, I viewed the infractions dealt with, I looked every possible way to see where you could be right.

      There's nothing wrong with the way creeping handled this situation. The fact of him laughing at the guy before banning him, is of no importance, in fact, if anything, it was a plus, but an unnecessary plus all the same.

      Also, if you see someone insulting someone else, report it, and we will address the situation as needed. Try not to undermine the authority granted upon Creeping, as he knows what he is doing.
    14. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      We can't sit here and infract and ban every single person that insults someone else. If we did we would be here all day. We infract and ban those that are reported to us and in this case, the people that make themselves known by directly contacting us and breaking the rules.

      And I didn't "miss anything you said" because you didn't say anything that is making any sense. I don't think I am better than him because I am a Mod, I am better than him because I don't act like him.

      Now I have explained the rules to you, told you why he was banned, and repeatedly tried to make you realize that he didn't get any special attention and that he brought what he got upon himself. Leave it alone or I will take action against you as well for continued harassment. I'm serious too, I am sick of telling you over and over how it is and getting back asinine reasons why "I am a jerk".
    15. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Take everything you just said and do the opposite, then you will fully understand the rules of these forums.

      Insulting other member IS a bannable offense. Are you suggesting that as a Moderator for a Halo forum I should not decide the just punishment of someone else? LOL, that's all that my job entails!!! It's what I do. It's the very definition of a Moderator.

      You are so far off and really reaching for a reason to complain about something. Let it go because you are:

      A: Making yourself look ignorant


      B: Arguing a point you will never win.
    16. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      I laughed because he deserved to be laughed at.

      Anyone who purposely pushes the buttons of authority and says something as dumb as he did deserves to be banned.

      Why do you care so much? He is 100% in the wrong. Once again, why should he get to say and do what he wants. Are we supposed to kiss the ass of every member that acts out for attention just because we are Mods? No we're not. People get dealt with the way they deal with others. Simple as that.

      Now let it go, please.
    17. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      I am failing to see exactly where I am being a jerk. Even if you find an instance where I was, why should I stand by and let the guy tell me to **** off and call me a *****? He is clearly too immature even for a videogame forum. Good riddance to him, hopefully soon it is forever.
    18. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      If you are referring to Buckets then you have to realize that he has been repeatedly warned not to spam, not to treat others with disrespect, and not to defy the rules. Yet he still does. Please, I know you are concerned for someone you probably are friends with or something, but he has done nothing short of straight up asking to be banned. He doesn't read the rules and doesn't care to. I mean just look at his comment in your visitor messages. He has no idea that rep doesn't count anymore and that was abolished weeks ago.

      I repeatedly gave him warnings and told him what the rules were and he still does things like coming into my profile and saying "fu ck you, you can't ban me because I didn't swear" and stuff to that affect. He thought he could disrespect a Mod by adding a space between the fu and the ck. Now do you see what I am dealing with?
    19. Pyridoxamine
      Never! I'll get all my demons to attack you! I'll form an alliance with them to post in your profile!
    20. Pyridoxamine
      Haha, that's too bad. Maybe I should post pics of her in your profile.