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Mar 17, 2018 at 11:47 AM
Jan 27, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from UK

Senior Member
Picceta was last seen:
Mar 17, 2018
    1. BAMFthesenior
      check friends list I may be on there, unless you took me off, ill send yo ua message on xbox.com, cuz i got my xbox tooken away from my bitchy mom
    2. BAMFthesenior
    3. BAMFthesenior
      if you didnt know it was me
    4. BAMFthesenior
      hay picceta its BAMF from xbl
    5. bigbucketsbilbo
      why are u no premium yet?????????????
    6. Gamerguy45
      Picceta I think i may have deleted you off my friends list on accident. I'm sorry about that i really don't remember doing it. So could you clear up someone on your friends list then send me a friend request? thanks dude!
    7. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      twas our plan, a well orcestrated one, to wait until juuuuust the right time to unleash the map unto you. WAHAH.

      just kidding. sorta. *coughs* sorry about the timing.
      you can take as much time as you need to make something exceptional, so take your time i guess. but around 3 weeks is pushing it, so i guess around 2 weeks. but also try to stay in contact with the social group, a constant stream of info would really be apreciated.

      but also, just dont abandon the NP's, kinda like what blue devil did. i think if you took your time on it, and reported often that you were still working, you could hold it alot longer, just to show your intouch, if you know what i meen.
    8. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      Pic up teh map? Just go to my Bungie.net service record and look at my fileshare.

      #6 tell me when you DL it.
    9. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      hey, have you gotten the map yet? im just checking in to make sure the transition went smoothly.
    10. Jimbodawg
      Why the hell hasn't anyone made you Premium?
      Your maps are sick!
    11. TheDarkKnight05
    12. Soup & More
      Soup & More
      You're the ****ing man.
    13. Gamerguy45
      @bloodfire... I tried helping him get rid of power weapons with his new map... but, i second i deleted the brute shot i was screamed at for 5 minutes.... He just doesn't listen....
    14. Linubidix
      I don't really know. GDBlueDevil still has the map. After him is AmercanPsycho then you, so it shouldn't be too far away.
      I'll let you know, if you don't notice, when it's your turn.
    15. Linubidix
      Tantela looks amazing, I'll have to get some games on that asap.

      I noticed you said you wouldn't have a lot of free time. You're still able to do something in the non premiums vs premiums map? Because your turn is coming up soon.
    16. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      K dude, after playing some of your maps I need to say,.. Your maps are all feature qulaity, accept what im about to say you've herd probably hundreds of times, it that you need to lower your power weapons. You just have too many and it makes the map too hetic in a bad way. Also I'd like to help you with spawns in anilic.
    17. Phreakie
      sorry about being such a douchebag earlier but ill just be the bigger person in this argument. Anyway i figured out how you did the floor very simple but very time consuming. again though, im sorry.
    18. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      In the time I have been working (or not working) on my map, you have created 2 =p. Your maps are amazing...and i need to get working on mine. Can't wait to check Anilec out this weekend.
    19. De Wy El Ay En
    20. thesilencebroken
      how are we comin on that?
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