Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. ScarFac3d
      Dude, I just had possible the best day of school, ever! Well, actually, the best bus ride home. Alright, so we were turning into my neighboorhood and the bus driver stops because there are cars coming the other way, next thing you know we have an F-150 rammed up the ass end of our bus. So yeah, it sucked major ass that we had to sit and wait through the whole ****ing process, which took like two hours, but then the guys insurance company came and gave us 100$ each as "Injury assesment," whatever, I think it was just a bribe so that we didn't sue. But still, woot, free money!
    2. DrawingMan
    3. DrawingMan
      What about you, how is your nameless project comming along?
    4. DrawingMan
      Sadly, no, ive been too into gears lately, i havent been too inspired as of late.
    5. DrawingMan
      Bag of hoes U
    6. NeverlessWonder
      LMAO. Why thank you. I had a ton of fun doing it.
      BTW, incase you didn't remember or notice, that line was a quote from Wedding Crashers. It popped in my head as I was writing that post and I just had to include it.
    7. NeverlessWonder
    8. NeverlessWonder
      Well I didn't call her a c-unt or anything, so I suppose I'm okay. Linky coming right up..
    9. NeverlessWonder
      Odd.. I'll try taking a look at things and see what Bisquit and Tesai have to say about it.

      In the meantime... would you like to see some quality destruction of idiots? Namely Radiant Rain. You wouldn't infract me right? :P
    10. NeverlessWonder
      Umm... I dunno. You've tried refreshing I assume, so... how long has this been a problem? All day?
      Can you see the rest of the site? Can you see the shoutbox on any of the other pages?
    11. NeverlessWonder
      I dunno, it's workin on my end. Both on my account and Sarah's, so I don't think it's a permissions thing Sarge because then you would be able to see it.
    12. Mallet
      Sorry to cut into your conversation sarge and pegasi but.. you two srsly like tenant? I hate him.

      Ugh he completely ruined Dr Who. When they first bought it back with Christopher Eccleston I was loving it, he is a fantastic actor and billie was hawt. Then tenant comes along and turns the show into a joke with his rubber face and hideous overacting. The final nail in the coffin for me was catherine tate with her relentless puns, corny one liners and slapstick. Dr Who isn't meant to be a comedy, hopefully a new doctor will bring back the cool.

    13. Pegasi
      I'll have to look out for that, although I wouldn't be surprised if you got it a while before us, as with most things...

      5 again, you know the score.
      cya man.
    14. Pegasi
      Nah, Steven Moffat wrote Library, and Blink which was also amazing. Its Russell who's going.
    15. Pegasi
      I agree bout the last series, I think its cause the good writer did the second half of the series, he definitely wrote the library episode. I think Jack told me he's doing all the writing from now on, in the series at least, not sure about the next special
    16. Pegasi
      What how do you know that before me, or more to the point, my friend Jack? He always hears these things first, and we're british damnit!

      Tenant is awesome, but then the writing for him has gotten a tad repetitive and thin, maybe it's just time....
    17. Pegasi
      Its not on atm, but when it is I watch it, y4?
    18. ScarFac3d
      How was your day good sir? I am in the process of playing the best game ever, Little Big Planet.
    19. Pegasi
      Lol yeah, things would be a lot different if I took a proper course with 9am starts, but hey, Lit rules. When I get a job though...hmmm
    20. Pegasi
      before mid day is a general no-no, depends what I have to do though.
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****