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Oct 9, 1989 (Age: 35)
Tekonsha, MI.

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Ancient, from Tekonsha, MI.

Senior Member
Juggernaut was last seen:
Nov 17, 2021
    1. CostlyAxis
      Terribly sorry, but as I've posted in my edit in the previous comment, I interpret sentences in a variety of ways, none of which are more overly consistent.

      However, there's not much I can do, but losing -0 rep shouldn't hurt. I've had worse done to me.
    2. Linubidix
      I was about to get back on the xbox.
      Sorry sir, we'll have to skype it up another time.
    3. CostlyAxis
      Finally. Let me see...

      "Look, all you (stupid) McCain supporters"
      Now really, you're already starting off on the wrong road with this beginning.

      "are going for McCain because Obama has Hussein as his middle name."
      So, this is your only valid conclusion as to why people prefer McCain over Obama? Sounds pretty biased and unnecessary in a debate where you look at political standings. Could it have been his tax/ foreign/ etc... against McCain's?

      "What if someone said: "Hey! Did you hear McCain is a terrorist? They found a terrorist with the same name as him!"
      Getting a tad bit ignorant on your part. Is your only conclusion that people support McCain is that they are die hard believers that anyone with terrorist related name must be in fact, a terrorist? That's a no.

      The fact that you still cannot get over this is hilarious. You've stated your opinion in an overly rude way that I took offense to and so I disagreed with what you said. Do you think you'd be the only one to get bad rep for posting an overly biased and derogatory comment? No is your answer again.

      Edit: After reading the post several times over again, the beginning statement can be read in any of the following ways. Of which, a majority would be the reason I got more offended than usually.

      Look, all you (stupid) McCain supporters:

      "Look, all you McCain supporters:"
      The stupid part is excluded as the context is not necessarily going to be considered. Therefore, the following sentences are believed to be directed at any supporter of McCain.

      "Look, all you stupid McCain supporters:"
      "stupid" is included, but is evaluated as the categorizing of the entire political supporters. In an essence, you call all supporters of McCain, "stupid".

      "Look, all you stupid McCain supporters:"
      "stupid" is included, but is used to distinguish a certain group, and thereby eliminating those you consider intelligent, but are still supporters of McCain.
    4. CostlyAxis
      I vaguely remember the post I gave you bad rep for, and I'm somewhat confident it didn't mention terrorists. However, you keep avoiding my request for the post link... Not much I can say if I can't remember one post piled under three thousand other posts made up of pixels.

      *Waits for him to avoid request...again...*

      Edit: I'm about at the brink of laughing. You're saying I'm one to be bad at arguing, eh? What have you done besides continually changing the topic at hand and then getting agitated when I reply with a proper counter statement?
    5. CostlyAxis
      How so, and what does Jesus have to do with this? :)

      I think you're over reacting to one bad rep point...
    6. CostlyAxis
      I'm sorry if you cannot get over the fact that I'm tired of people posting the most biased things without any reason for doing so nor having a source to back such claims up. I do not believe that Obama is a terrorist, and you'd know that if you read any of my posts which are full of factual sources unlike yours and none of which mention terrorist organizations. You're the one making yourself out to be the idiot as you cannot even give a proper reason in why I shouldn't have given bad rep for a bad post. If you'd kindly give me the link to the post that I gave you bad rep for, I'll reevaluate my entire reasoning sentence for sentence.
    7. Mastar
      its kay :]

      yeahhh friends! o/
    8. TDH
      hmm I ain't ever made a vector wallpaper and I don't where exactly you can get vector wallpapers specifically.... this is where I found some pretty cool wallpapers though: deviantART: where ART meets application!

      actually I've just seen you can do a search for vector wallpapers on deviantart here: deviantART: where ART meets application![IMG]
    9. Mastar
      Tremors was a featured map. I didn't make that though.

      I made Tremor n' Mouse. Then that was popular, so I fixed it up a bit. interlocked better. geo merged better. made it tidier and cleaner and then it got featured
    10. Mastar
      you're like the 5th person to say that lol.

      What other map of mine was featured? I can't remember.

      Maybe I have had 2. but I doubt it.

      Oh and that comic doesn't count :P
    11. TDH
      Do I make vector wallpapers? or do I have any?
    12. Mastar
      death by lols
    13. Mastar
      hehe :P

      Glad I can bring lols into someone's day.
    14. Mastar
      lmao. Laptop?
    15. Mastar
      hehe thanks :P

      Which post in paticular?
    16. CostlyAxis
      I'm very sure I'm missing some probably many, and if you could kindly link me the post of yours that I finally decided you were ignorant. Thanks.
      Oh, if you can find your sources for it too, that would be nice.

      "Look, all you (stupid) McCain supporters are going for McCain because Obama has Hussein as his middle name. What if someone said: "Hey! Did you hear McCain is a terrorist? They found a terrorist with the same name as him!"

      Seriously, shut the hell up."

      "John McCain... every time I hear that name it makes me think of terrorists and he's a republican... ****! There are republicans in the ****ing government! **** There are terrorists in the government! **** BUSH IS A TERRORIST.

      ^-----That is how stupid he sounds..."

      "Oh my god. I love it. She's such a ****ing idiot, she didn't even know who she was talking to. Christ Jesus that is ****ing perfect."
    17. Mallet
      Cool. My stuff is nothing special.. deviantart is full of thousands of srsly amazing artist, tis scary =(
    18. Mallet
      Yeah.. graphic design is the plan.


      ^fixed version, spelt your name wrong <_<
    19. Mallet

      Colour failed =/
    20. Mallet
      Ah you are smarter than the average hubber I see. Well.. smarter than TDharding anyway.
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  • About

    Oct 9, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Tekonsha, MI.
    Ever need testing or want to play my gamertag is Juggernaut448.

    Gaming, Halo 3, Forge, Graphics, Snowboarding, Fishing, Culinary Arts, etc...


