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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      "Ok, so there are were murmurings of a debate between students who supported the Obama and the McCain camp and this was gonna happen the day before the election. I was asked to be one of the debaters. I declined as I did not think I knew much relative to politics and seeing as how I, like most humans, am an inherently lazy person, I did not want to research...

      Well, today we had the debates. Students in each period went to the cafeteria and were presented with a video outlining the topics that were going to get covered, then the Obama and the McCain camp argued.

      I sat in the back and marveled at the bullshit that was getting spewed out of the mouths of both sides... I was frustrated at their lack of decency and knowledge that there is a difference between debating and arguing.

      So, during lunch I asked the teacher who ran it, who originally proposed that I join the debate many months ago, if I could participate. He rejected as he did not run that section of the assembly and did not want to impose.

      Pissed off, I walked straight over to the participants and asked if I may join. They, knowing of my reputation as a fierce argumentor and a good one at that (one thing I allow myself to be arrogant about) instantly affirmed that I could.

      The rest of lunch, I instructed each person (including the moderator) how to behave, because it was clear to me that they had no idea how to do so.

      5th period, the first debate I engaged in, was civil as everyone listened to my advice and calmed the **** down, no interrupting, no yelling.

      I knew the points I was to present (regarding Energy and the economy and the "war") and I absolutely destroyed McCain's side, so much as to earn their silence and their due gratitude for my participation following the event...

      I loved it...aaahhhh

      good day"
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      i meant read the post btw...not the poll
    3. SargeantSarcasm
    4. SargeantSarcasm
    5. thesilencebroken
      because all these users i thought were older are way younger, and your posts are too well thought out and you are way smart, so i was just making sure you werent secretly 14. lol
    6. thesilencebroken
      i have to ask.. how old are you?
    7. Furry
      No need for apolgies. Once again, it was my fault for not giving enough information.

      Yeah, I wonder if Matty is entering. He's obsessed with MLG, it would be logical.
    8. Furry
      No, I didn't mean it like that. I was saying he could probably get away with a map where it only has a cone on it and people would worship it because he has a colorful name and he's a great forger.

      I know he's a great forger, I was just saying its going to be hard to beat him. I didn't mean, he's going to win regardless. I was just saying he has skill and he has earned repect from many other forgers form around here.

      I wonder what mischief he's up to as well...
    9. Furry
      I probably won't. Shock Theta is entering...


      People kiss up to colorful ranks...
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      haha very well mate, we'll chat later
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      SargeantSarcasm thought I was atheist?
      now that I think about it, I've never gotten into an argument concerning religion...although I've seen a few...quite interesting stuff...although a lot tends to overlap morals/beliefs-wise
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      I am too...I'm a devout christian, but I consider myself well-learned in respect to people around here when concerning religion...its always interested me...whenever I hear someones some unique religion I haveta talk to them and learn about it...

      and any form, about any usually amazing

      I found Sandman not DLn it though because its that awesome
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      ah good...the book had me laughing hysterically, and its interpretation of Christian Armageddon figures is quite humourous and clever: the antichrist, the horsemen, etc.

      and sandman..well thats quite expensive...I own the first of 4 collected volumes, its like 1k pages...$100
    14. Furry
      Alright, coo' coo'

      I understand.

      Hahaha, yeah, if I win it, I'm going to be soooo embarassed...
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      wait which one..."good omens" or "sandman"?
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      nope, the co-author was Neil Gaiman...who wrote the bloody magnificent Sandman comics...seriously...its like watching a really really really good movie...but 1203x longer
    17. Furry
      Once again, I'll help, if you feel like its necessary.

      I know what you mean. I don't even know all point of views but I've been exiled. Its understandable that you don't want to comment on something that you might regret later because of lack of information.

      Alright, thanks. It includes 2 arches, 1 geo-merged in the crane and on in the same equivalent side of the map. I'm going to name it Cross-fire, just 'cause. Thats all I'm saying...
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      I know who he is...discworld

      I have "the Colour of Magic" didn't really get into it...but I absolutely LOVED "Good Omens"
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      Terry Pratchett?

      and Vice recommended "The Master and Margarita"...I love it...
    20. Furry
      The one with the Tunnel system or whatever made out of single open boxes.

      He booted me for not giving enough feedback. Mainly, because I used go to almost every testing session and give feedback there but noone ever remembers me. I just find it peculiar that he visited my FH account and then I got banned from GoO. I think it might be because of that one MLG thread, honestly. Its happened before with him. Its all in the past now though, although I wish I was still on the GoO Gamertag Friend's List...

      I'm being a total hypocrite when I say this but, I'm going to try for the MLG contest. Does that also count as a feature? I'm doing it for fun but mainly because I have a great idea for some MLG touches that have yet to be incorparated...

      Wish me luck...
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