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Aug 13, 2021 at 5:08 PM
Apr 16, 2008
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Ancient, from The Surface of the Sun

Senior Member
Jpec07 was last seen:
Aug 13, 2021
    1. TheMisterHat
    2. drak
      lolololol idk.....spam I think?
    3. DDjusD
      hey how did you make that lego farcry thing[IMG]
    4. GoodWhaleSushi
      I don't hate Christians, at least.
    5. DimmestBread
      I put up action shots of my map alpine if you are still wondering what the layout looks like.
    6. JessicaJones
      Okay, lolz. Thanks I guess.
    7. Zachary9990
      na, I cant get on weekdays and neither can he.... weekend though. I got CrossCountry State race on Saturday though
    8. Nitrous
      I look forward to it.
    9. Nitrous
      To provoke a response.
    10. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Yeah, I remember, there you go.
    11. JessicaJones
      Oh, sorry, I forgot about them, I will later though, I am working on a map at m friends house.
    12. Plasma Napkin
      Plasma Napkin
      hey you, I have to tell you that I do not even have photoshop?! You give me bad rep just because you think it is too good for me making it. Seriously, this is stupid. And unfair. Make sure that you have good reasons for giving rep, not just because you think it could be like something.
    13. E93
      That's just my way of thanking you. =]
      Keep up the good work.
    14. SE7ENS1NS4M
      yeah thats a pretty good idea, considering youre the man now on that forum haha, and everyone is now looking for your critique. And now that you mention it, i did notice your rep a few days ago and damn has it ever gone up!
      youre a writer you said?
      books or articles or what?
    15. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Thanks man :)
    16. SE7ENS1NS4M
      You're sig cnc is pretty epic...just thought i should let you know it's well appreciated.
    17. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      no, the Castle Crashers one, its my main sig :)
    18. Mr Pokephile
    19. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      You my friend are a god at judging signatures. If your not to busy do you think you could give mine a rating? Mind you I'm rather new to PS.
    20. LOL zombie
      LOL zombie
      You may have noticed members with different colored names. Colored names are given to members of a certain status. There are many different colors, which cater for the variety of ranks that we hold.

      If you are asking how to become one of these members (other than Warned or Banned, of course), here's the guidelines that we use to determine who is deserving of the rank.
      User must post well informed replies/topics
      User must not spam
      User is helpful to other forum members
      User always embeds pictures in their topics
      User is kind to others
      User has been a long standing member
      User does not flame others
      User makes a dedicated effort to make members feel welcome
      Above all do NOT ask for it. If you do we will not consider you.

      The Loyal member rank is given to members have have stood out from the rest. These members are helpful, active and show dedication to Forge Hub's success. These members are rewarded with a purple name and access to the 'Hub Pub' forum.

      If you have any other questions, just send me a message.

      Here's the rank thread.
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    The Surface of the Sun
    Software Engineer
    Forgotten Wing
    Looking at my post history, good God did I used to be a little turd...