rusty eagle
Last Activity:
May 28, 2016 at 5:21 PM
Dec 11, 2007
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rusty eagle

Ancient, from Georgia

Senior Member
rusty eagle was last seen:
May 28, 2016
    1. Matty
    2. Matty
      Have you played Aperture?
    3. Matty
      I am relaxed.

      And i find it funny that your telling me to take care of my friends.

      If i recall it is you that would not come and play a single game with me, and you that chose not to speak to me for the past few months, even when i try to make contact. And it is you who only comes to talk to me when you have something negative to say.

      Just stop judging me and take a look at yourself.
    4. Matty
      That's great to know. I would hate to let you down.

      Just keep your confidence flowing.
    5. Matty
      Oh god just get off your high horse.

      Why does everything has to be so dramatic with you.

      Did it ever occur to you that maybe for once in your life that it is you who doesn't understand the situation?
    6. Matty
      Dude your the one throwing a hissy fit over an outdated negative rep comment that means nothing. I could have equally pmed you this and you wouldn't have cared. Rep was faster, and that's the point of it.
    7. Matty
      I found that it was the complete opposite of your 'casual' personality.

      I figured you were just trying to be annoying.

      Normally people have a joke and then say something serious, you just did a joke and your reply was not only completely useless but it promoted a lot more useless posts which destroyed the thread.
    8. Matty
      Kondense - Montage Trailer

      Watch and rate please? I could do with some more opinions.
    9. Matty
      ino you where, that was k its changed now, and ill probably change it again in in a month or so..

      I just meant, your hardly ever on, and when you are we hardly ever talk.

      We usually have a funny chat.. Well i gotta go. Another time?
    10. Matty
      Why no more nice funny chats?

      You changed.
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      how goes it mate? its been a while
    12. SargeantSarcasm
    13. camel assassyn
      camel assassyn
      long time no see
    14. camel assassyn
      camel assassyn
      hay rusty was up
    15. JEEF
      hey rusty i need help on some spawns on a map if you could help that would be great. this map is acceptionally good and you probly think im a newb at forge but this map has been draged out for weeks because no one has helped with spawns. pleaz message back soon i would like to finish so i can post this week
    16. bobsagetismyhro
      U retired too?
    17. Matty
    18. Nitrous
      I didn't change it.
    19. halo kid
      halo kid
      it was a joke
    20. halo kid
      halo kid
      to think I used to look up to you
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    rusty eagIe
    Ultimate frisbee, sailing, adventures, etc...


    Go on, click it.

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> RUSTY EAGLE
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> SEX POSITION
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> AND PART-TIME MAP DOCTOR

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> At your service

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm>"It seems they're still getting spawn trapped..."

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> hahahaha

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "Nurse, I'm going to prescribe something unorthodox"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "What is it doctor?"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "sit on my face and defecate on my chest"

    [rusty eagle] <10:59 pm> hahahahahhahahahhahhhahaah