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Jul 21, 2022 at 4:15 PM
Jan 26, 2008
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May 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
Cheshire/North West, England B
Dalai Farmer

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Ancient, from Cheshire/North West, England B

Senior Member
buddhacrane was last seen:
Jul 21, 2022
    1. Insane54
      Yeah sure, go ahead, as long as I get my link fairy early (before about 8 my time would be best), do w/e you want.
    2. buddhacrane
      Sorry Hydro, the mongoose is gone. The other stuff is still on the ceiling though.

      Yup I'll have it done by tonight Insane. When I finish at 11pm (hopefully) I think it will only be like 5pm or so for you, so there shouldn't be any problems.

      It's soooooooo much better than V1.3! It even haz sniper! lololololol

      P.S. Is it OK to make a map thread for it in competitive maps? I would prefer to be able to create a proper thread for it so I can put up a nicer description and have embedded pics rather than have to use the somewhat stunted Bungie.Net forums. I don't even mind if it's locked, I just want to be able to have a nice layout for it.
    3. Insane54
      Just FYI in case you weren't keeping track, last day to finish...send me a PM with file link whenever your done, my Xbox is at Mesquite, TX, so I can't do it over Recommend.
    4. HydroZoid
      i hope you mean fixing the escape method by merging the two single boxes, cuz i really like have the mongoose and other stuff on the ceiling =)
    5. buddhacrane
      lol, going to be done in 5 days? Well it wasn't on my schedule of "Things to do" but I could give it a try. I think I could prob de-glitch the map without having too much of an impact on the experience. Just removing all the scenery outside (vehicles e.t.c.) would go a long way to un-glitching it I reckon.

      I'll see what I can do and let you know in a day or two if it seems achievable.

      I guess I could fix that Escape-Method in the map too while I'm at it!
    6. Insane54
      You don't happen to have an unglitched version of Distortion done or going to be done in about 5 days, do you?
    7. evan12075
      buddha... you need to get on the internet or xbox live NAO. I'm stuck on puzzle 3 already XD. well actually, more like :'[
    8. buddhacrane
      Yeah it's not always just about "Escaping the map" though. Like alot of it would be ways of completing the puzzle in a way I didn't intend, it's that stuff that concerns me.

      There's nothing worse than when I come up with some super genius way of creating a solution for a puzzle only to find out that you can shoot and unblock a teleporter somewhere.
    9. Mental
      LoL is it really concerning?..... your just trying to brag....

      The way everything is built; there is only a few sections with a possibility of a break, and those are the mongoose sections. (which are geomerged completely) and everything else is blocked off floor to ceiling.
    10. buddhacrane
      Well the reason I gave away so much in that pic is because it's more of a physical challenge than a mental one. It's about accuracy and skill and knowing where it's supposed to land (it still doesn't show you where to land it)

      Also it's all the stuff after that which is the real puzzle for that section.

      And anyway, people are gonna need all the help they can get!!! I think I may release it today, I'm fairly happy that there are no breaks. The fact that none of us have realy found any breaks all the way through construction is slightly concerning though.
    11. Mental
      Buddha i think you may want to change your "teaser" pic, # 6 (it gives away that part a little too much.)

      I understand that people are supposed to know what to do but it's kinda showing them how also.....
      (the rest of it will be extremely hard to figure out though) :D
    12. Whatupdog
      Hey I played the preview of your new puzzle and I can't wait until the finished product! You use some pretty unused sections of Foundry and I hope I can beat the map.
    13. buddhacrane
      Well the walkthough guide for Blockout has finally been released. It is on my fileshare and is part of the "Blockout Puzzle" fileset.

      My new Puzzle map shall be released soon! In the meantime you can view some teaser pics of the new puzzle map in my Halo 3 Screenshots (they're the "Tours" ones)
    14. dontknowme42
      yeah i might have cheated blackout but it doesnt help me any im at the walkgap part and the trip mine still workn when ever i have time

      but i did do hell on earth without the tutorial :P
      but the re in carnation one i played i never learned how to radar jump and i couldnt kill myself i was like omg like how am i suppose to kill myself with a mongoose
      but good work
      you should try my epically horrible maze pack :P

      no one has beaten it on there own:P yet
    15. buddhacrane
      He does but he's not Cheathound anymore, I'm not sure what his new gamertag is.

      I am in the process of finishing my latest and last puzzle map at the mo (well until the mythic map pack comes out) so you can have that to look forward to.

      Also, claiming to have beaten my puzzle maps means nothing to me when most people just look at the walkthrough guides I provide. With that said, don't expect a walkthrough for my new puzzle map anytime soon.

      Of course I did the same thing for Blockout, but that was an easy puzzle map by my standards so expect the new one to be more of a challenge.

      On the plus side, I will finally release a walkthrough for Blockout when I release my new puzzle map. Though it is to be noted that Blockout actually has multiple solutions for many of the puzzles, so my walkthrough guide will only cover the solutions I chose to perform.
    16. dontknowme42
      does that cheat guy have a file share so i can download some of his mazes or w/e :P ive beaten most of yours unless you have some not on FS
    17. buddhacrane
      eh, it's an open group. Just go to the group and click "Join Group" near the bottom. There's no application process or anything.
    18. thenextbigth1ng
      im trying to join map breakers but it says post applications in this forum, where am i supposed to put them?
    19. Spaceneil8
    20. buddhacrane
      It's ALWAYS a BAD IDEA to forge with OTHER PEOPLE. If you're NOT HOST when you SAVE the map then you MAY lose the glitch. This is because the run-time maximums (which make the glitch work) can reset for off host.

      The only way to GARENTUEE that you will NOT lose the glitch is to forge ALONE or make absolutely CERTAIN you're HOST.

      Hopefully that clears up the questions!

      To re-glitch the map just make all the run-time maximums 1 higher than the number on the map for each object.
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  • About

    May 11, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Cheshire/North West, England B
    Dalai Farmer
    I'm a badger with Necrotizing fasciitis (You're so gonna look up what that is on Wiki!)

    Disturbing your mind, soul, body, aura and general well-being


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