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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      I hadta read some short story she wrote...didn't really like it...but I'm not much of a reader...I've read less than 20 in my life...15 of which came before middle school lol
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      lol...thank you /bows

      what is Orlando?
    3. Furry
      Hello...How's your map coming, I didn't get to see it at TGIF.

      I was booted from the GoO...

    4. SargeantSarcasm
      yeah...I discovered many a year ago that the world is essentially a ****-stained used condom thats been nicely wrapped and sent to hell care of the world's politicians...

      oh 8th grade, how I miss thee
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      Well, this world is full of extremes, as they say "there are no gray areas". You're either emotional or apathetic, and it seems as though those two polar adjectives describe the US and the UK respectively.

      I honestly don't know how we're gonna pull ourselves out of this, I mean, I've given up on the news, its so biased now, and most of the time, it's more focused on the drug-ridden sex-filled antics of celebrities than anything of actual importance. How do we improve if the general populace, our generation, is subjected to such trivial thinking and informed in such a manner? I know not.
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      YES!...I hate this election, its all about image and nothing else. I mean, Obama even had his wife campaign for him, and everyone is flaunting McCain's PoW accreditation (albeit deserved, but not in this context). There's really nothing to do but choose the lesser of two evils, and that appears to be Obama since he doesn't want to be in Iraq, fighting a 100 years war (as McCain put it)'d rather not have that bubble-headed twit Palin leading the country in her idiocy if McCain should be elected and perish...

      it sucks...
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      ah I see...

      I hate my country lol

      and San Francisco...hmm...i've never been might get an awful lot of men hitting on you with your bri'ish accent haha
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      Wow...what I've just read is utter bullshit...

      and here I've always wanted to move to the UK gaaah
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      well first generation college-goers can get special scholarships and it helps quite alot when applying for college...

      and I figured britain's system was that way...oh well
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      SargeantSarcasm colleges want a certain range in SAT scores...the average for my school is 1900 (which is really good)

      I wanna go to the University of Southern California for their game design and film my entire family went there (legacy helps alot when getting into the school)
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      pretty much a national test that determines whether or not you meet the standards of specific schools...

      I took the SAT reasoning test and scored a 2000 on my first try (only wanted a 1900 for the school I want to go to) and I hadta take the SAT subject tests today...what a pain
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      yeah...SATs fail...SAT-2s fail even more
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      lol...very well...I shall

      and yes I agree...I started talking to you not long after I took a 4 hour long test...I was quite exhausted following that ordeal
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      haha...yeah...well I build as I go along as well...just not as much as others do...rather I have an idea of where I want the map to go...and how to get it there...everything else is speculation...

      like the stair thing...the upper mancannon idea of secretness... that all came along AFTER i built the main structure
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      haha...well...when I make a map I usually have the concept flushed out in my mind...with all of the scenery planned out...

      but with that comes some issues as I sometimes forget about the dimensions of some objects (as is the case in this map) and thus must work around it...

      I may work on this or my zombie map today, unsure though, we must see if tis in the cards
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      and what i meant by building around the weps is that most authors of those maps have an idea of wep placement whilst they build...and as I've never done such a map...I have no idea where things go or how to balance them accordingly
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      lol I just refreshed the page and was about to go continue washimafying dishes...then I saw your response...very interesting...

      and yeah...the stair screw-around test-idea map I made specifically for my concepts and someone joined...they had no idea wtf was going on... lol

      and i thought of using fence walls for what you said, but Im unsure of how many I will need to blockade the central area...

      yet another reason I abandoned the project lol
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      because you're british...and as such...oddity prevails within your demeanor
    19. SargeantSarcasm

      I can picture you shaking your fist at the computer "DAMN YOUUUUUUU"

      im washing dishes right
    20. SargeantSarcasm
      lol very well...i eagerly await your response
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    London, UK
    Oh Globbits