You know what if you want to complain make a thread in the off topic session or ask cosmic rick about it, I dont care.
That's where it gets confusing. Thing is, I don't really know how to answer that, being 100% sure. Here's what I think, and some past experiences with my groups. No, you cannot change your group name. You might be able to change it if no one is in your group. I had a group with over 40 people or something, and when I clicked something, I deleted accidentally everyone from the group. Good news is, it let me change the name then. Some 10 people joined back.
What do you mean? About what? Groups, you mean? If so, yes. You just have to go on the Edit part of the group after you make it. You can change the description later too, and some other stuff.
Hey dude what I was saying is that if you want to have a conversation PM me if you have a question or comment post on my profile for if someone has the same question or comment they dont have to tell/ask me again.
No I'm doing it right. You should just learn to check my profile every day. I'll let it slide this one time and this is the only time I'll put it on your profile unless I have a comment or question.