Cheif Jarvis MLG
Last Activity:
Oct 30, 2008 at 6:36 AM
Oct 3, 2008
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Nov 12, 1993 (Age: 31)
Aiken, SC
Thknking of geting one

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Cheif Jarvis MLG

Ancient, from Aiken, SC

Senior Member
Cheif Jarvis MLG was last seen:
Oct 30, 2008
    1. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      happy birthday.
    2. Linubidix
      Happy birthday good sir.
    3. Cheif Jarvis MLG
      Cheif Jarvis MLG
      lol no actually i have been a little demon my whole life so yea screw you XD i ownz your soul
    4. CHUCK
      rebellious teenage phase eh?
      ah, well i'll let you mature up a bit then i'll get back to you.
    5. Cheif Jarvis MLG
      Cheif Jarvis MLG
      i can do what i please i am bored and grounded so i have nothing better else to do so screw you
    6. CHUCK
      you're really cool going up against authority on the internet... [/sarcasm]

      Don't be a dumbass, you wont win at whatever you're trying to prove here. This little plan you stated below wont work, you will be found through IP check and then permanently IP banned.

      I suggest you try to avoid getting banned.
    7. Cheif Jarvis MLG
      Cheif Jarvis MLG
      Well if i do get ban hammer i can just make another acc so yea its k and sergant sarcasm is going down
    8. STEClash96
      Never mind my previous post it was Seargant Sarcasm editing your posts. :D But please leave me alone as you are already warned and if you keep this up you might end up getting the Ban Hammer. :(
    9. Cheif Jarvis MLG
      Cheif Jarvis MLG
      iDK but i just like getting in trouble and stuff >.< i am screwing with the admins its sooooooooooooo fun but you ***** for nothing but mean post not 1 compliment ass
    10. STEClash96
      I do not have any idea what you just said there. "Sarge says hai"
    11. STEClash96
      Dude, what got you into sending me all these messages of hatred towards me?
    12. STEClash96
      Reported again.
    13. STEClash96
    14. Boyle06
      wow u look alot like this kid i no lol but he doesnt play halo lol plus he got shipped outa MEH town... thought i would let u no tho lol
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  • About

    Nov 12, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Aiken, SC
    Thknking of geting one
    ExG Zeppelin
    Well i am a 14 year old guy almost 15 ^.^ who enjoys playing video games just because i do doesnt mean i am nerdy so dont even think taht k

    Listening to music such as led-zepplein, ACDC, Metalica, and more