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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. Linubidix
      gah, I hate getting up at 7 each day.

      I know what you mean. I know the feeling.
    2. Linubidix
      Yeah, there's no way I'd be up at this time if I didn't start school late tomorrow.
    3. Linubidix
      Meh, sleep can wait. I'm not tired.
    4. ezekeil20five17
      I see where you are comng from and you see that there is much too much time devoted to foundry but if you feautred a good non foundry map and showed people the world outside of the {double} box then that would inspire them to try outside the box and produce more non foundry maps to choose from and so on

      A lot of people ,not me all I care about is useful feedback and playing custom games,want to see their own map featured so they stick with foundry then a foundry map is featured its a viciuos circle

      The thing that gets to me is that the mods and loyals don't see this and it will ruin the site I would hate FORGEHUB become a by-word for foundry as it is the most visually boring map and offers little variation and for any of you to OK a competition based solely on foundry is crazy to me it should be the other way round

      I wasn't being serious about changing the name to FOUNDRYHUB just trying to make a point

      I have a thread trying to pull together tips/pics and maps for outside of foundry but it has recieved little attention.

      I like this site and I just want to be able to log on and not have to wade through 7/8 2 bases/4 bases/centerpeice foundry maps before finding something interesting
    5. Linubidix
      It was mainly weapons a few of the smaller objects, nothing too major except for receiver nodes. I reckon I should be able to save it, but I may have to delete and redo a portion of it to do so. Either way, I'm committed to making it work.

      I should be heading off to bed now, good night good sir. Have a lovely day, it's been a pleasure talking with you,
    6. Linubidix
      Why thank you, I've enjoyed all of your creations too.

      TSB has told me that a lot of people are talking up Remedy(my solo project). That filled me with glee but I was filled with dispair when I noticed over half of my objects were no longer budget glitched for some reason. And I've recently just hit the budget, so fingers crossed I can save it.
    7. Linubidix
      I'll read it in a second.

      Silence and I have been talking about a colab for months now, I'm so glad we FINALLY got to do it. Me and him really understand each other. Pretty much same situation with Jay but we see each other every day at school. Me and Silence want to keep it to a minimum of people we show it to, so mainly the testers and a few select people will see it pre-release. He's chosen his team of testers and I've chosen most of mine, I'd be delighted if you were to help.

      edit: I already read it, silly me
    8. Linubidix
      I'm pretty sure I'm colabing a map for the FlaP with JAY. I'm excited to see what you're doing. I saw what you did on the non premiums map and I was impressed.
      My portion inspired me too a little bit, for a spot on mine and thesilencebroken and I's map.
    9. Linubidix
      Yeah, I'm really excited to see the stuff J A Y and Iv0rY produce. I've seen bits and peices of what Jay is working on and it's pretty impressive. I'm planning on making an asymm MLG map for it but not just yet. I'm in my final term of the year and I have exams in a few weeks. So currently I have 2 items on my forging plate and that's plenty. I've got A map done all by me, which I need to re budget glitch :'( and a colab with thesilencebroken.
    10. Linubidix
      I'm disappointed about the quick negativety too. I saw your post and it's up to your standard, very well written and incredibly courteous. A pox on those who ever go agaisnt the wise Pegasi Delta.
    11. Linubidix
      I wans't expecting a salute from Pegasi Delta when I noticed my 1 notification.

      Thanks. It seems that way when they don't like something; they feel they must show/share their hate for it to the world.

      Even in eutopia someone's bound to complain.
    12. Roche178
      "Top draw old bean"
      Is it odd I understand this?
    13. Scopulus
      If I told you the square root of 144 was not 12 anymore by change in mathematic evaluations, but rather 13 and I told you to solve for pi(4.6)-/144, how would you solve this?

      Make sure you round your answer(s).
    14. halo kid
      halo kid
      no proboblem,just trying to keep the site clean.I would rep you for it,but it would have no effect what-so-ever
    15. halo kid
      halo kid
      if you think it should can you move
      Just a random thought on sonic.
      to gaming disscution
    16. LIGHTSOUT225
      Im gonna need to look it up then I suppose
    17. LIGHTSOUT225
      did u ever finish that Avalanche map? I completely forgot you told me you were forging it
    18. Big and Firm
      Big and Firm
      hay sorry for posting that thing I dident no...oh ya win I'm done I'll give you a heds up I'm probbly going to be done I a weak because I'm working on a nother thing at the same time...all right dude peace out
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      ah, see you have misinterpreted my words...

      as you can see, there is a general myth regarding the fantastical genie who's mystical powers were guided by the wishes of others...

      now if i wish something i may also will it to be, a power you are lacking...
    20. SargeantSarcasm
      Ah but I have already thwarted it...

      dear child, when will you realize, my wish well, is my command
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    London, UK
    Oh Globbits