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Jan 3, 2010 at 12:00 PM
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Senior Member
TheDarkKnight05 was last seen:
Jan 3, 2010
    1. Linubidix
      Nah, it's not really celebrated in Australia.

      I have a couple maps. I'm currently working on. I'm planning on entering a map for FLaP but I'll start it once school finishes.
    2. Linubidix
      I still like the new one. But you need to be extra careful with it
    3. Linubidix
      oh, that sucks hard about the budget.

      Similar thing happened to Remedy. I'm using the new budget glitch and I've just hti the budget and I realise that about half of my objects aren't budget glitched anymore. So, I had to delete some stuff and rebuild it.
    4. Linubidix
      oh okay. Like how much have you done?
      Is it ready for testing or what?
    5. Linubidix
    6. Linubidix
      lol, it's alright. I'm happy with the one I've got.

      Have you finished infringed?
    7. TheDarkKnight05
      I got some for ya.


      What do you think?
    8. Linubidix
      I haven't thought about it. I may now
    9. Kon Artist
      Kon Artist
      you should enter it when your done:) GL
    10. Projectt2501
      why thank you
    11. Roche178
    12. TDH
      Yeah I've had a look at it already, what happened to that other map you were working on?
    13. Pegasi
      Interesting, some nice geomerging and what looks like solid design as well, the layout as it stands looks easy to traverse. Can I make a suggestion though? I really like the wall made of bridges surrounding that open box tunnel, but have you considered flipping the bridges the other way round so that the flat sides face outwards? I know its kinda time consuming flipping them all round yet maintaining the shape and smoothness, but that grahical inconsistencies where those bridges meet at right angles would be reduced alot, as well as giving the whole wall a more clean feel overall.

      Still, I like what you've done, please keep me informed of your progress, I'm interested to see how this one turns out.
    14. Matty
      Looks cool but just remember its not all about the merging,

      You need plenty of space, don't make a tiny compacted map.
    15. thesilencebroken
      it means you were keeping me in check when i needed it.
    16. thesilencebroken
      haha yeah! you didnt do anything but express your thoughts on my irratic behavior.

      i was merely explaining my intentions, and my faults in the matter. I was out of line.

      so we're plenty good.
    17. thesilencebroken
      i talk as i wish. swearing is part of my vocabulary. no one says jack if someone is just swearing in general, but the moment someone uses it in a sentence to show anger, its "watch your mouth".

      PonyD continually shuts other people down for posting their thoughts on his maps. I dont agree with that. Its arrogant and dumb. However, i did go overboard for the occassion, and i did apologize.
    18. thesilencebroken
      yeah, just because im a colored member doesnt mean i dont lose my temper from time to time... We arent anything but normal people. Anyone else who wouldve written something like that wouldve been disregarded.
    19. absentrabbit
      Doesn't matter. Nitrous isn't one for caring about the people who work for him.
    20. LIGHTSOUT225
      worry about yourself and the rest will take care of itself. its long overdue stuff that no one needs to worry about
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