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Apr 25, 2009 at 2:04 PM
Sep 5, 2008
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Ancient, from in my house...

Senior Member
Shade9595 was last seen:
Apr 25, 2009
    1. redeyesmaster
    2. Debo37
      Hello! You might not remember me, but I remember you commenting on my map Nooks & Crannies way back when. In case you're interested, a sequel to the map named Nooks & Crannies 2 has been released and I'd like your feedback! Please check it out!
    3. redeyesmaster
      Check out my Architecture: Master List
    4. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      lul is right.
    5. Bloo Jay
    6. redeyesmaster
      thanks i thought that the contest would be a good idea and im geussing i was right.
    7. redeyesmaster
      "cereal bowl contest" try it out.
    8. Sage
      i wanted to stop a while ago so you can i have already
    9. Sage
      ive read the rules more times than you obviousally and you are harrassing me and i already reported you for it so leave and you gave me personal insults and i didnt double post so you can stfu and you obviousally didnt read the rules so you can take your own advice you ignorant hypocrite.
    10. Shade9595
      ok for **** sake no more posts about Modded material or fussing about the modded material i placed on my map flamable i know that is wasnt right and i dont promote modding on FH. the content has been removed and will only be used for photograghic uses only!
    11. Sage
      wow you are ignorant because im a guy and thats my girlfriend. also im friends with a modder and i like modds but modds arent allowed here go back to thread and read the last post dip ****. also you are so poite? again learn to spell. now either leave now or be forced to leave. and when you are forced you'll probably be banned instead of just warned.
    12. Sage
      obviousally you cant read because i told you its against the rules and you spelled reward reword and you fixed it then i was telling the idiot besides you not to ask and then started talking to Eyeless the **** tard. and now you are try to say what i said proved some imaginary point that you seem to have created in your head. and you say im a five year old while you are afraid to say ****. so grow some balls and take you ignorant ass out of my page
    13. Sage
      also you are again ignorant to the rules and i have poor behavior for following the rules while you ignore them and do as you please, and then call my life insignificant jsut because you want to sound smart and superior yourself. and your lucky i didnt go on a rant like reynbow would and make you amockery so

      STFU and GTFO
    14. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      don't taint my home page with your ignorance, I did you a favor by locking that thread, know the rules before you post! :)
    15. redeyesmaster
      hey dont worry about the map thing this guys said he had one just like that so hopfully he is going to have it.
    16. Sage
      and you are ignorant to the rules
    17. redeyesmaster
      ok my friend is trying to help me but he does not know what to do with it. lol you want the game type when i get it done?
    18. redeyesmaster
      oh sorry lol well i know how to mod all i need is a two way usb cord thats it.
    19. Shade9595
      2 any visitors the map Flamable that I am currently building will be posted between the times of tomorrow and next weekwnd just giving yall a heads up!
    20. soccerholic1816
      its sad that I am asking for friends on XBL to play with? whatever, im sorry i dont hang out with all the geeks and nerds so i don't have that many IRL friends that play XBL.
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    in my house...
    Welcme to the RenegadeWorks Forge Hub Profile.

    No life...

