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Mar 17, 2012 at 1:08 AM
Jul 17, 2008
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Ancient, from Indiana

Senior Member
JEEF was last seen:
Mar 17, 2012
    1. bio
    2. The Sir Toppum Hat
      The Sir Toppum Hat
      Will you be on tonight it is 11/26/08, because I want to see what you have done so far on your map.
    3. Boyle06
      if u say so... n i donno i think u coulda done something better w/ it tho... like EMO... that would be a good theme.... well i have it but i have to get a haircut at the moment so ill be on in like hr... or so
    4. Solo
      Holy ****, Ive got to admit im highly impressed with the avanced forge 101 skills, but looks sort of like an MLG map, but you know thats just my opinion, otherwise great job. 4.4985769803/5

      Love, BAMFthesenior

    5. Boyle06
      thought i would nvr see it up lol... nice work did u end up doing spawns urself...
    6. Gollygeeanelite
      I'll check it out tomorrow ok? Yo, gt is Fanaticgreekboy, I'll get on at around one EST
    7. Whisper
    8. Boyle06
      i have my xbox again... we can get started FINALLLy... and i am not sopossed to be on till the weekend which means wed. but i might get on early LAWL... but i get on at like 2:00 since we get off early on wed. my time of course and reply to this damn message... lol u ignored those and i sure hope ur on to post that map...
    9. TKS x MoNsTeR x
      TKS x MoNsTeR x
      hmmm, ur creating a competitive map thread...

    10. TKS x MoNsTeR x
      TKS x MoNsTeR x
      u need to get on sometime this year
    11. Boyle06
      monday night epoch will be posted i see :> yay... tues i get mah xbox n if i dont my brothers balls will be removed in sent to u in a PAKage 4 u to nibble on lol
    12. Phreakie
      err ok maybe because me and sdrak are making a guide to sketchup that sohould be up by tomorow so wwe may use epoch as a timelapse video example that cool with you?
    13. Boyle06
      hey ive been creating the layout on the new foundry sketchup but i need to see what it looks like now so i can get more done... and sorry my older brother is REALLY being a duche... he didnt bring it home this week b/c he got fifa and fallout 3 or w/e i was SOO pissed as soon as i get my box we r gonna do a TON tho i gave up a couple of other things b/c im getting overloadeed
    14. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      so how goes the BF? posting soon hopefully
    15. Matty
      Your asking everyone for help? Well never mind then.
    16. Boyle06
      lol i donno there is a lot of ppl that would look it up but ya it sounds cool
    17. Boyle06
      ya but i just put them on urs 2 idonno i dont norm do urbanish maps... and i donno it just doesnt exciting i guess and a lotta ppl use epi and epic and what not.... u need something that fits the map better OH I GOT ONE

      HowTheHellDidHeGetThatPower-UpInTheFan??? lol what u think of that one.... im jk... hope u get something good i gotta admit im not to good at that
    18. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      I will, i havent been on halo today, my friends wanted to play COD after school and my brother/dad have been on since.
    19. Boyle06
      macaronic deterrent anomoly and impediment epsilion equanimity magleu i had more but i forgot them.... search cool word u might find something that way
    20. Boyle06
      um i will browse my unseen knowledge for a name for u... lol i dont think it is too cocky but it is a LAME name... and okay i will check it out have u already added it to FH or is it on ur FS (fileshare) or where can i find it... and i cant check out the pics less u A. add them to ur gallery on or B. PM me on FH like i did w/ that one too u./.. :D
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