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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      Ah bollocks!

      As for the fooling, do not take me as one, for I have seen your schemes as what they are, and the choices you've made, have only been "choices" to the extent of which my wishes will them to be.

      In response to me, well sir, I have journeyed and met you myself, had I naught the powers I claim to have, well, clearly you would have noticed
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      ah so I shall never be condemned? very well, all goes according to plan then...and if you havent noticed...everything seems to go well for you as well...ever wonder why that is?

      oh sir, you yourself mistook me of a nobleman of you kind...hypocrisy? backtalk? pegasi...I would've never suspected that you would revert to such crude immoral behaviour
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      oh what about the prancing? explain that sir...and yes, your doom, it may not be by my hand, but by that which belongs to one of my followers

      ah, but as you can clearly see, I speak using a variety of different regional colloquialisms...and that is not relegated solely to my textual appearance, any peasant who has had the misfortune of being in the presence my magnificence can easily tell you, I am a master of imitation, not only does your life belong to me, but your vocal likeness...
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      poetry cannot save you from the fate you so happily frolic towards

      ah, are you referring to the force? stems from my excrement...I would suggest you stop collecting it as it is rather putrid...
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      I'm nowhere near any of your agents, as all of them belong to me...allegiance my friend, lends itself to currency...which I consider your little present...null and void

      and yes...yes
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      no I was referring to you and Shock lol...

      I omitted Mr. Sun and Mallet since they are pretty unnoticed nowadays

      ever heard of Operation Star Wars? well if you ever got those nukes off the ground (which I doubt since I control your headquarters in North Korea) I'd instantly get them shot down...
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      I didn't spend a dime...all due to my cunning manipulative mind

      Now now sir, as you may already know, one without a conscience nor any care would have any sort of remorse for the terror and wrath he has wrought on the world...thats right, I know about you, the anthill and that magnifying glass...after all, I do know everything about you...
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      ah see, that is where you have committed a tragic error...

      I've owned the world for quite some time now, my all-encompassing reign has been around for ages...silly man, your family does as I tell them, you think you attending university was theirs or even your choice!? BAH! that is what I say, BAH!
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      Ah, stubborn til the end, just like a faithful briton!
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      Aristotle...when will you realize that your words have gotten you killed?
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      sticks and stones...and guns...and nukes...

      thus I have no need to touch you...
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      nor you, dont get any fruitless ideas briton, that would be unbecoming of you
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      aye...nitrous thought i wasn't doing anything...
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      oi i saw your long reply...thanks mate
    15. LIGHTSOUT225
      lol, i requested it. I still plan on moderating, but I enjoy doing write-ups as well, and dont want to feel pressured to mod if i dont feel like it at a certain time.
    16. JJ3672
      More from the same thread...

      Originally posted by Shishka:

      "Geometry interlocking is fine. However, if the Z-fighting looks bad (that is, when you've got two pieces of geometry overlaying each other and are "fighting" to be the part that's drawn first), or if the interlocking just looks bad in general, your map might not be accepted.

      Sculptures, jumping puzzles, and gimmicks will not be considered for Matchmaking.

      The flame effect used in flame grenades and the flamethrower, as well as the fuel rod projectile are complicated effects that affect performance and can cause problems on local area network as well as LAN. Neither the flame grenade or the fuel rod gun will be allowed in Matchmaking maps, and their presence will result in immediate dismissal."

      "Posted by: gallium

      Would Plasma Turrets and/or Sentinel Beams be allowed?

      I ask this because I am trying to get a kill with every weapon in the game.
      I am aware that having Fuel Rod Cannons and fire bombs will probably never be in MM, though.

      Thank you.

      A full list of banned weapons will be made available when we're ready."

      So bungie didn't (as far as I know) say anything against Sentinel Beams yet...
    17. JJ3672
      JJ3672 : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

      ^^ Around the middle of the page in the above forum post, Shiska mentions flame nades and FRG's as "performance-destroying features" along with instantly respawning fusion coils, which suggests that connection strength is the main issue.

      I'm sure it's been mentioned elsewhere, but that one thread was hard enough to dig up from the depths of that I'll let you find more evidence if you think you need it.

      No mention of sentinel beams in there, but I'm guessing that it's just more of the same.
    18. JJ3672
      It was in some bungie update a while ago, I think...lemme try to dig it up.
    19. DRiSCOLL
      sounds good, i have no school so to my knowledge itl be fine, ive got some ideas can you get on skype?
    20. DRiSCOLL
      o cool, ye ive been thinking of making a Halloween mini game but i think, no i know lost chamber always plays well in a tgif. Ok thanks, if so i could use it in another video if i decide to male one. Purple bunker is a good choice but for some reason it says my game type is corrupt. There's many more, i just need to think.

      o we can go waaay back and try a little haunted manor.
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