O rly? Was the demotion voluntary? Or could they possibly have been forced to- ... no. That would never happen... rite?
another one who signed up and jumped into Offtopic... and seems way too familiar with the site... ip check please.
I was wondering if you went by a tutorial to do you're vectors by. I've been wanting to vector a car and make a neat background, but I haven't exactly found a good tutorial to actually help me with the process. I'm just wondering if you would help. Thanks, I appreciate it.
I don't think briansoupy deserved an infraction (yellow) for spamming because he just wanted his map reviewed, which is what Smeagle wanted everyone to do. Link to thread
I'm pretty good with photoshop... if you want me to make you a good avatar I can. Just describe what you want k?
So if the minimum size could only be 3 cm but had to be increased by x^4 while dividing by 0, what would be your answer?
I'm sorry but your new avatar is *almost* worst then "Feechure NAO" still not as bad, but it comes close... I don't see anything other then a blurry piece of crap... Please explain what it is....
yeah it sucks but the i had a relative pass away a couple days before we scheduled to play so i had to go to that. but its ok. we probably would have lost anyways because we would be playing the same team that put us in the losers bracket.