tw khaotik
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May 29, 2011 at 9:24 PM
Jul 2, 2008
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tw khaotik


Senior Member
tw khaotik was last seen:
May 29, 2011
    1. Shanon
      Do u got Legendary maps and whats your region and time zone?
    2. thesilencebroken
      thanks for the unneccessary rep, dickbag.
    3. tw khaotik
      tw khaotik
      idk, ty for the suggestion but i'm not really and expert in that area. i mainly am a competitve/MLG type of guy. maybe in the future, but that would involve, making new group, thread, ect. thanks for the sugg tho, maybe ill start a review thread later on jus for aesthetics and maybe u could help me out :)

      again, thanks and hope you liked the review. It really a great map and i hope it makes it into featured. i hope u dont think i was too harsh with the review dont take it the wrong way

      keep up with the great map making!

      PS: if u wanted to make a curbstomp 2, i might be bale to help u out with a couple suggestions b/c if u tweaked the map up a bit it could really be an amazing map (not that it isn't already) My thoughts wouldn't really involve changing the layout at all too.
    4. Blaze
      you should add aesthetics on to your reviews im my opinion.. b/c honestly if a map looks amazingly aesthetic and crazy every1s goin to lik it almost.. or just originality maybe.. i dono you decide.

      if you dont mind would you do any of my other maps? if you want you can do all or w/e it doesnt matter to me.
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    tw khaotik