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Dec 2, 2009 at 6:52 PM
Oct 23, 2008
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Ancient, from Sea-Town, bin behind starbucks

Senior Member
urk was last seen:
Dec 2, 2009
    1. Linubidix
      I won't take any of your time by pestering you, good sir.
      I just felt like lolling at Sexy Dude's comment. I'd love to hear about your new Helo games too, will they be followed by Goodby games? lol
    2. urk
      Holy God.
    3. thesilencebroken
      would it be the Hobo Spider?
    4. Mace
      thanks for making bungie less lame and retarded
    5. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Sexy dude, have you read the TWO FAQs on Bungie.Net? Wait, have you even read one of them? If yes to the second question, go read the new Bungie Update.
    6. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      hello so you work for bungie cause if so i bow in your direction,

      any way

      i have a question
      1) are there any new weapons in halo recon cause people are talking about it.
      2) Whill you do recon in between all the other helo games?
    7. Warlord Alpha
      Warlord Alpha
      This is cool, a bungie employee coming to FH! Welcome! Also, if you want to stay safe (both physcially and mentally) go to this thread. It will teach you who to be afraid of.

      Anyways, is that question you asked BlueJay a reference to any of your new co-workers?
    8. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      ""If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

      There are these enormous spiders in Seattle that spin giant, elaborate webs. Large abdomens with brown and tan angular geometric patterning. Looks a bit like squared-eyes. What species are they?"

      Uhh, I mean about ForgeHub... LOL Nice try though ;)
    9. RageGummy
      Here's a question.
      why you not a member over at halo3rpg.com yet?
    10. urk
      "If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

      There are these enormous spiders in Seattle that spin giant, elaborate webs. Large abdomens with brown and tan angular geometric patterning. Looks a bit like squared-eyes. What species are they?
    11. J A Y
      J A Y
      Hello there Urk. It's great to see a new face around..

      Much love Jay :)
    12. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Oh Hai! Was up? Hows Bungie, Mr. Urk?
      I'd like to welcome you to ForgeHub. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

      Later man.
    13. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Welcome to Forgehub man! I hop you like it :) I'm an event staff, I help organize events here on forgehub :)
    14. RageGummy
      Welcome to the club, im Scotty from Halo3rpg.com. I am also respected like you around here.

      Much love <3

      Noticed its not respected but just the colour we have in common. Shouldn't stop the love though.
    15. urk
      Reminds me of a scene from Silence of the Lambs, 'cept way more creepy.
    16. DrawingMan
      I Fap in your general direction :D


      *didnt know what to say to the new somewhat famous guy*
    17. Insane54
      Hey, gave you a custom title. If you want you can change it, but I'd keep it showing what you are if I were you.
      Edit: User CP to change it, btw.
    18. xFr1ct10nx
      lolz, nicer one
    19. Insane54
      "Probably on account of my large hands."
      Pixxx or it didnt happen!
      Edit: If you actually take pics, move aside Rick Astley, you are my new hero.
    20. urk
      Probably on account of my large hands.
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    content weasel
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