T REXasaurusMan
Last Activity:
May 17, 2009 at 6:03 PM
Aug 17, 2008
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T REXasaurusMan

Ancient, from In your mama's house, giving her the time of her l

Senior Member
T REXasaurusMan was last seen:
May 17, 2009
    1. mastersync23
      Hey, buddy. Just a heads up, your signature doesn't work. ****ed if I know how to make it work, I'm just telling you.
    2. T REXasaurusMan
      T REXasaurusMan
      look, it's not my map... I got it from someone I looked up in bungie, maybe he copied off you, idk. but like i said i got the map about three weeks ago, and the map already had about 800 downloads, and 30 ratings when i last looked.
    3. redeyesmaster
      so how long did you have this beaver creek map of MINE. yes it is mine and i did make this. any one that says its theres is lieing and i dont know if i can proove that it is mine but you got to trust me i took for ever on this map and i dont like it when others say my map is theres.
    4. drak
      * Your map can have a Maximum of 5 pictures
      * The map must have a Minimum of 3 pictures

      read the goddamn post next time before you post a stupid map....for the template contest submission thread...goddamn...

      Also, you blocked off the ghost, which isnt allowed

      Your map fails because of it, and I can easilty break out

      BTW, as I see you dont know how to use the forums, and dont know how to read, to reply to this message, click on my name, and go to the post box...then, post on MY profile......
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  • About

    In your mama's house, giving her the time of her l
    T REXasaurusMan
    COD4, HALO 3, UNO, Watching Movies, And tv...