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Sep 1, 2013 at 11:33 PM
Feb 1, 2008
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Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
North East uk

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Ancient, from North East uk

Senior Member
Matty was last seen:
Sep 1, 2013
    1. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      Is far cry 2 just a war game? i have never looked at it
    2. ScarFac3d
      Oh and the LBP forum, let me get you some videos. It is like the best forge concept EVAR.
    3. ScarFac3d
      Im not working with him, he said in the post that he was "editing it" (which I did not give him permission to) also in aperture he questions your use of interlocking.
    4. ScarFac3d
      Instant Feature, for sure.
    5. ScarFac3d
      That guy that said he was re-making my Skate Park. Ill be sure to check that out, also, if I wanted to request a Little Big Planet forum, for us PS3 owners, who should I talk to?
    6. ScarFac3d
      Lol, so what's been up lately? Also, if that kid posts it, could you let me know?
    7. ScarFac3d
      Hey sexy, how art thou?
    8. bio
      LOL you are just mad because you got a bad review. This is the problem whit FORGEHUB and most members that eveybody here looks only for interlocking and they think interlocking is sacred and cannot be critisized well body IT CAN be critisized i'm proff of that.
    9. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      You could just take a picture of me playing and it would probably be epic enough.
      But on a more serious note I will try, but most of them you will probably already have seeing as i tested with you 99% of the time.
    10. bio
      You know what i said if you want an example to what i mean i suggest you check out my map "RICH & POOR" and "SKATE PARK" not made by me those 2 examples are pefect to what concept and gameplay are so please do some homework befor making a sensless interlocked map whit a funny name.
    11. TheDarkKnight05
      hey matty,

      Hows the map going?
    12. bio
      That's the problem whit interlocking it looks better on pics and 90% of the reviews on FORGEHUB are based on interlocked objects in pics --When 100% of reviews should be base on gameplay cause after all it is a game you want to play there.
    13. bio
      To me aesthetics, gameplay, concept and layout should be a requirement of any map. Isn't that what bungie does to ALL OF ORIGINAL HALO MAPS or have you seen a map from bungie that says "We only this this ugly map just thinking of gameplay???? not aesthetics.
    14. bio
      Again you know how to interlock but i dont see apeture when i see the volumetry and layout of the map--i need concept first then interlocking i will download it just to try the gameplay tonight. So i'll review better tomorrow.
    15. HomieG54
      Ah I understand.

      Sorry didn't think of it that way.

      Well why are you done with map making?
      Thanks for liking my review.
    16. HomieG54
      I just reviewed your map!

      Hope you like it.
    17. I SeNTiNeL I
      I SeNTiNeL I
      that would be awesome man, ill add you now
    18. I SeNTiNeL I
      I SeNTiNeL I
      are you on xbox live atm? just i want to run an idea past you and i think it would be easier to talk about it. I really think you will like it and it will not require too much work from you
    19. drak
      do you mind editing your post and giving credit to all your testers?
      I was there friday, saturday the whole day, and part of sunday...please?
    20. I SeNTiNeL I
      I SeNTiNeL I
      hey dude, i know you have been showing a keen interest in far cry 2 and with the new far cry hub i was wondering if you were going to be taking a lead role in looking after it and getting it up and running once it is open to us all? Just have an idea i want to run by you see what you think
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  • About

    Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    North East uk
