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Aug 22, 2010 at 4:31 PM
Mar 17, 2008
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Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 125)
On Xbox Live!
Video game Development CEO

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Ancient, from On Xbox Live!

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CommanderA17 was last seen:
Aug 22, 2010
    1. Something.
      That's exactly what I'd for if i were to make it. And your map idea sounds Badass.
    2. Something.
      Considering making a sand dune type infection. Basically take The city and spread it out over the huge circumference of the sand dunes. Then make it so you have to run from house to house just to get enough ammo to survive. Then add an escape hornet at the end.
    3. Something.
      Not possible. I'm at the roof of my budget.
    4. redeyesmaster
      i know right!
    5. redeyesmaster
    6. Sheogorath
      happy birthday
    7. redeyesmaster
      Check out my Architecture: Master List
    8. redeyesmaster
      "cereal bowl contest" try it out.
    9. DeathToll77
      YouTube - Top 10 Halo 3 Snipes: Episode 11

      is this you? In number 10? If it is cool!!
    10. redeyesmaster
      hey my new map is going to be out next week end and i hope to see you there any way i need a name and seeings how you just hated the other maps name why dont you throw an idea or to at me.
    11. redeyesmaster
      hey i love how you post on my maps. befriend?
    12. Cosmic Rick
      Cosmic Rick
      Of course. But be prepared to defend against an equally brutal response. Also know that I wouldn't release something if I hadn't thoroughly tested it and found it to be enjoyable.
    13. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Have you seen Underbog? What do you think of that?
    14. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Like I said in the orginal post, some people love it while others hate it. I've played with partys who want me to end the game right away while others want to play it into the wee hours of the night.
    15. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Comment -
      I'm going to give a legit opinion of this mini-game map. This is by far the worst mini-game I have played. Now, before you give me an infraction on for dissing a Featured map by a beloved forger, here me out. With 16 players in a match knowing all the rules of the game and how it should be played, their was literally no real way of winning against the zombies. Its highly annoying and difficult, but also downright boring. Its either spam or move forward. Not only that, but the game even creates lag, (we've tested this in comparison on other maps). So all in all, I recommend not downloading this map and gametype ever, unless you are into being bored and annoyed at the same time.

      You sir are an idiot. The map is not sopose to be played with 16 people, of coarse your going to have lag and of coarse your not going to win. Try playing it with a good connection with 10 people, not 16.
    16. Mastar

      My friend did the DJing, but I got him to. :D
    17. Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      Hey i have talked to my partner. we think that 5 sounds fine, but we could have it later too. I also sent you a friend request.
    18. Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      no we haven't fought And I am not yet sure about 5 on Saturday. I will have to contact my partner. I think the best way is just to send each other friend requests and play it by ear.
    19. Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      Xx BEHEM0TH xX
      I think the weekend is the best time for our match. My team lives in California (pacific time). Let us know what your time zone is so that we can agree on the time. BTW my Gamertag is Xx BEHEM0TH xX spelled with the 0 as a zero. I look forward to our match.
    20. Murdock Sampson
      Murdock Sampson
      no problem. just barely got the password so i can monitor the Tag. so i decided to stay on top of things
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  • About

    Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 125)
    On Xbox Live!
    Video game Development CEO
    I love Halo, COD4, Rainbow 6, GTA4, and all the best games now and then! I'm also a wii60 owner!

    Guess...well, I'm way more than just games.


