Metallic Snake
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13y 42w ago
Jun 23, 2008
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Metallic Snake

Ancient, from Texas

Senior Member
Metallic Snake was last seen:
May 21, 2011
    1. stin10
    2. stin10
      no new episodes till january, now, please tell.
    3. Stratigon13
      i no a whole week. all the halo time i had was pretty much been forgin or matchmaking. i haven't really had time to get on. oh well im on now. sorry i had to get off my mom got all mad
    4. stin10
      hey, you have to come check this out. i havnt heard of this new method, and someone may have alread spread the word of it, but its a much much much faster way of geomerging. it triples the speed of regular geomerging! im being serious.

      you said that. i'm wondering, what is this new geomerging method
    5. thesilencebroken
      what are you freakin out about?
    6. thesilencebroken
      i shall actually be at the studio all day... sunday or monday ill have some time. id love to playtest a bit more.
    7. thesilencebroken
      mauler near defenders, and rockets at where the hammer originally was.
    8. thesilencebroken
      if it benefits the gameplay, its down for my book.

      Id switch the mauler and rockets, yes. other than that, be patient with DTL, he'll get the map working how it can get the best it can be.
    9. thesilencebroken
      it'll happen naturally. just you wait and see.

      your job and everyone elses will become more clear as the map progresses.
    10. thesilencebroken
      simple solution... IMPROVISE.

      you can use what other people have done and build in an asymmetrical manner off of it.

      then, there needs to be someone willing to be the person who focuses solely on making sure that the structures connect together appropriately and come together as a whole.

      someone needs to be the glue.
    11. thesilencebroken
      when its closer to their turn, they'll become more involved, you'll see. you just gotta be patient. We're farther behind than you. lol
    12. thesilencebroken
      yeah, but not tonight. its 1:30am. Tomorrow is a maybe, but im in the studio for most of the day... so sunday would be best. lol

      I got some epic ideas for the BBP map. I need to do most of my actual forging, but it shouldnt take long. he'll have it within a few days.
    13. thesilencebroken

      that is all.
    14. thesilencebroken
      sorry man, i had to get to the airport.

      internet is so amazing when you havent had it in 5 days.
    15. Linubidix
      Non Premiums.

      I scrapped what I had but I kept a similar theme with the items used. It's done now and I've taken the screenshots. I'll now get to work on Remedy.
    16. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      I'm moving from my current home right now, and the house I'm moving to won't have internet until next thursday sadly. So it will at the least wait tip then
    17. Blaze
      are we going to be updating the map?
    18. drak
      yo, tomorrow, I need a party size perfect for your map, for gameplay....thats when I do the bulk of my recording...
    19. drak
      yes, I am making a video for blindside.....that was your question
      dun worry about the bottom part :P
    20. DunkinMyCookies
      woooo invite me fo sheezy. nvm, i dun think i sent you an FR Ima do that.