GD27 BlueDevil
Last Activity:
Apr 16, 2012 at 6:19 PM
Jan 27, 2008
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Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
Miami, Florida
Fighting Crime

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GD27 BlueDevil

Ancient, from Miami, Florida

Senior Member
GD27 BlueDevil was last seen:
Apr 16, 2012
    1. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      If your template map is good enough, yes it has a chance of feature, like any other map. Also, I'll recommend the winning map for feature.
    2. Blaze
      alrighty.. but just so you know i have NO experience merging mancannons. but im sure i can learn fast and fix it up.
    3. Blaze
      do you just have the man cannons on the other side of the wall?
    4. Blaze
      i thought they worked fine. but good job.
    5. GD27 BlueDevil
    6. Blaze
      alright no problem.. you can block off the back part of the other base if youd want and also you can get rid of the wall where the double boxes end where there is the wll i made.. i donno how to explain. i have live i told you i go it today.
    7. InferiorPigeon
      Haha, you gave me 5 barzors!
    8. Blaze
      i have it uploaded.. i dont think that we used many bridges.. we acually have it like perfect..
    9. Blaze
      getting on now.. i have a mic and everything now so wecan talk aboutit then too
    10. Blaze
      i already have it redone so dont worry about it...
    11. InferiorPigeon
      You can haz 4 bars.
      You're welcome!
    12. Blaze
      yes i do.
    13. Blaze
      i havent had a lot of time to work latly.. and i deff couldnt work on it 2night. :-\

      im sorry but yes i took it aprt.. i was going to rework it and make it all the same type of objects and make it look a lot nicer.. i can probably work on it this week. and ill get that part done and stuff.
    14. Blaze
      thats what i was thinking.. sorry i have left earlier, i was in a hurry. i have had alot to do this weekend. i was also thinking that base was a bit.... i donno.. it looked like there was too many different looking objects. and it was also a bit sloppy. i was going to fix it up for you but if you think that you cando a good job that would be nice..
    15. Blaze
      i didnt do a whole bunch b/c ive been quite busy and stuff but i can get you the map if youd like.
    16. InferiorPigeon
      Hey, did you ever get a chance to play on Exalted?
    17. Blaze
      no i deff cant sorry.. i should be up around 6 pm.. ill get it on before 10.
    18. Blaze
      i cant make stuff in photoshop but when i post a preview in the hub pub i will ask for some1 to make me 1. just give me a PM with the post in it ahead of time. or at least just a short story and pics.
    19. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Your're not 18... :P
    20. Blaze
      just 50/50 and i will put it in my colab maps in my sig. i will post if you do the write up. i will post a preview in the pub, and i will take pictures for your write up as well. im taking as much effort and work as i would into any of my own maps and or colab maps.

      i can also try to get a cool banner for the top of the post.
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  • About

    Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Miami, Florida
    Fighting Crime
    GD27 ShockWav3
    I am a teenager that likes playing baseball, forging and messing around with my friends.

    Playing baseball, forging, building things and drawing.
