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Jul 5, 2012 at 4:09 PM
Jul 26, 2008
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Jan 5, 1993 (Age: 31)
Home Page:
Raleigh, NC
High School, studying drafting, soon to be working

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Ancient, from Raleigh, NC

Senior Member
xFr1ct10nx was last seen:
Jul 5, 2012
    1. STEClash96
      Well everyone likes porn you know, If you don't then your a ***. :D
    2. STEClash96
      I'm tired and sleepy. :Z Lol. It's 12:03AM where I live at the moment, I might go watch porn now, Since I'm board....Lol.
    3. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      rep pl0x? LUL
    4. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Oh relly? i never saw it.
    5. JessicaJones
    6. JessicaJones
      Yeah, I did when I posted the map, BTW, that map wasen't made by me, was by my friends. I am still working on my map.
    7. Gollygeeanelite
      I know, I'm Greek you see and my cousin is from north Carolina. I was just saying that that's pretty cool . Don't worry, I know all the united states names in alphabetical order so I can scroll through the state initials in seconds in my brain.
    8. Vital bite
      Vital bite
      Probably duality, and Surfacing
    9. Gollygeeanelite
      My bad, I forgot all about the about me section. I have a cousin that lives up there but he's at greece now. At least I think hes in greece....
    10. Gollygeeanelite
      yeah, we got a break that was like 4 minutes then we did the other half which was hard as crap. I'm so glad that they are over. Oh, and btw what state you live in mines Maryland.
    11. Gollygeeanelite
      Same, I don't think I did too good on the last couple of problems in section 4. Not to mention section 5 was a pain in the butt because they drilled the crap out of you about sentence structure. I don't think I did too hot. So, are you a sophomore because I'm a Freshman. And my birth date is the 21 of January... =D
    12. Gollygeeanelite
      yo I just took the PSATs today, did you?
    13. Leroy Jenklns
    14. Mace
      dude, i cant just lather your map with praise because your my freind, i will dl when ig et the chance and give a gampleay review
    15. TaruBard48
      One bright day in the middle of the night
      Two dead men stood up to fight
      Back to back they faced each other
      Drew their swords and shot each other
      A blind man there to see fair play
      And two big dummies to shout hurray
      A legless donkey passing by
      Kicked the blind man in the eye
      A deaf policeman heard the noise
      And came and killed the two dead boys
    16. TaruBard48
      Want to make a map
    17. TaruBard48
      umm u can use evry weapon just roll the FusCoil to the mosh pit room
    18. Kitsune Yosh
      Kitsune Yosh
      Heh, oh yeah. I want to add you because I currently can't get on live and I want to download your maps.
    19. TaruBard48
      K.Replaced with what?
    20. TaruBard48
      Hey bud you can still use the mauler to get out.
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  • About

    Jan 5, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    Raleigh, NC
    High School, studying drafting, soon to be working
    Today, is here fading, that's when I'm insane
    I fled with suicide, sometimes kill the pain.
    I can always say"Its gonna be betta tomorrow."
    Falling away from me, falling away from ME!
    Beating me down, beating me, beating me down, down, into the ground, screaming so sound, beating me, beating me down, down into the ground. Falling away...from me, It's spinning round and round.
    "Falling Away From Me" - KoRn

    Rock!, halo, forging, being lazy!



    Server Admin of MiningBros Minecraft Server​