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Sep 6, 2017 at 10:42 PM
Jul 30, 2008
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Ancient, from Orange County

Senior Member
Huntar was last seen:
Sep 6, 2017
    1. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      haha, it's the high five symbol

      like the "o" is the hand, and the "/" is the fingers so you would accurately respond with \o
    2. youngian
      cool beans(<------ sorry,I just like saying that!)does it snow were you live? i saw you live in california . because i live in ohio and theres only like 7 months out of the year you can skate.
    3. youngian
      yeah my brother taught me to skate but once he turned 18 he gave me his senate skates so i don't have to use the crappy aggressive i had before so when summer comes around i can't wait to try them out .
    4. youngian
      well heres a pic,

    5. youngian
      my best trick is probably delta grind. im getting better though, but were i live its starting to frost so i can't skate much anymore.
    6. youngian
      yeah i know. you any good?
    7. youngian
      sweet dude . nice to see other skaters , they say skateboarding is becoming unpopular and if thats true than i hope at least skating will gain popularity . because whenever i say i skate people always ask "what type board do you have?"
    8. youngian
    9. youngian
      you inline skate? me to ! i used to be really good but i stopped for about a year , now i'm back at it , i just ghetto rigged up and grind rail.
    10. E93
      Why hello back!

      Well, it's a bit more than just posting the sigs. You see, you might not remember, but there was a time that people spammed up the G&A section with tons of CNC thread (comment 'n' critic). I got tired, made a Universal CnC thread, so everyone would stop spamming up the board, and just post their sigs there. After some time, it became against the rules to make separate cnc threads, so everyone would have to post in the ucnc thread, if they wanted to, at all.
      But later, they made it so posts wouldn't count in G&A, and everyone just started making those Cnc threads again, although the number has diminished a lot.

      At the CnC thread, basically, it's still the people who care to help each other out, and yeah. Eventually, someone that doesnt post a lot there posts, like you this case, and they dont end up helping others. A lot of people who post their sigs there, and help out, like knight, tend to ...not like it.
      So to make it easier, friendlier, and better for everyone, I decided to make it, so if you're going to post a sig, you have to cnc someone else. Like a cycle. He does you, you do him, etc.

      Hope I don't sound like an ass, or anything, just trying to explain it with detail.
    11. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      Yeah are you?
    12. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      Yeah, if you want
      I was just putting up the one video because i liked it, then i decided to see what others could do.
    13. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Lolwut? I don't think I'm going to be able to find the answer. I'll let others try. Besides, I'm getting off for the night. Have fun in that thread without me, lololol. Good night.
    14. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Lolololol, success!
    15. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      oh lol I have not looked at the site in forever
    16. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      Have you moved on from KEMOSHOTS?
    17. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      ya lol are you going to move to the site like it said on the bulletin
    18. Bass Forger
      Bass Forger
      Uhh all i have is the raw footage and i would get 6 more clips on my thrd acc but i got the Red rings of death :/ but yeah all i have is raw footage unforntuatly
    19. Bass Forger
      Bass Forger
      Uhh just pming you about my thread sorry i didn't respond right away since i was out of town but if you can help/post for that'd be great and just for offering to help +rep for you!
    20. desert elite
      desert elite
      Yeah i dont roll as often becuase of football but when I try to get to a skatepark or good spot I go.But my feet got bigger and its a tight squeze in my salomons now =( i need to get new ones.=(
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    September 16
    Orange County


