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Apr 17, 2008
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England is where I'd like to be

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Ancient, from England is where I'd like to be

Senior Member
yomtvraps was last seen:
Sep 10, 2011
    1. Resix
      :( yomtvraps is gone now i has to lol at a dizzy rascal. lol jk i never hated you
    2. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Is that you, Yommles?
      Don't listen to that Hari fellow there ↓. I hate people that exploit others to try to make themselves look cool.
    3. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      Why did you change your name?
    4. Hari
      Now it says he needs a life lol.
    5. Mastar
      Hahaha your rep says Yomtvraps is out of the mud. How appropriate.
    6. Mastar
      what about it?
    7. Nemihara
      Yom, you have to be pacifistic. If someone insults you, you can't try to push back at them. And by the way, remove the quotes in your sig; it makes it way too big.
    8. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Well, I'm not making fun of you anymore. That comment that I had said saying "He should, but I want to know the answer as well." was obviously a joke that runs along here at FH. I'm very sure you know about it. Besides, Frag Man wanted me to apologize to you for being a ****. I told him no. I will only go for a internet high five of agreement. **** apologies, like I said to Frag Man, "I'm not going to be anybodys ***** for anything." Good day.
    9. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Thanks for calling me a "shady ****." How about you go into detail why Frag Man wants your ****? Seriously, although he had told me that he was treated poorly as a baby, he told me he doesn't want you to end up like him. Besides, I doubt he was kicked, pushed , etc by his parents. He's a ****ing liar. He needs to learn that this is the internet and that we are on a forum site, place of all lies. Frag Man has became worse then you in my book. When the **** did I say you were a cow? His ****'s twisted.
    10. drak
      i double posted to help out....i stopped people from breaking it...its like me going back and finding a double post of yours, and -repping the **** out of you, back into red....i consulted with someone, and they said its stupid...your red bar doesnt do **** to me....go and leave forgehub...nobody likes pests like you....
    11. drak
      no, you -repped me for something stupid.....for something that I HELPED prevent....
    12. drak
      haha little *****, get infracted nao...and warned again for your sutpidity
    13. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      Hey, don't hate him. People thought the same way about you, you know.
    14. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      I gave everyone who was being a snot (Think you should be banned for no reason) negative rep. He gets mad saying he wasn't being a jerk saying you should be banned, which means he's now calling you a cow.
    15. Frag Man
      Frag Man
      You owe me one, don't prove me wrong.

      Forge Hub Halo Forums - Conversation Between Ak Gumby 907 and Frag Man
      He deleted my posts, but you can still see what's going on.
    16. Linubidix
      If you don't know Shad0w Viper it's because he rarely ventures out of the staff forum because he's busy doing his duties. If you knew how much work he did....
    17. thesilencebroken
      ya know, i realized you're an okay kid. i hope you try harder to be a model hubber and that your whiny infraction and spam days are over. You know the rules, follow em. If you get any infractions, suck it up and learn from em. Whining only makes people dislike you.

      hope to see a new you.
    18. Nemihara
      I hate to say it, but fact of matter is, not many people like you because of how you were before. You need to show them that they're wrong; that you've become a better person. (that doesn't mean neg repping them back)
    19. Nemihara
      Remember, they think of you still as 'that guy who no one likes'. You need to build up your image to be better. If they neg rep you constantly, tell me names and what it was about. I'll dispute it for you.
    20. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I'd disable you're rep if I were you. People are just going to keep - repping you for no reason... :/