o Forge Freak o
Last Activity:
Oct 31, 2010 at 10:15 PM
Dec 10, 2007
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Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 125)

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o Forge Freak o


Senior Member
o Forge Freak o was last seen:
Oct 31, 2010
    1. Zanitor
      Yay someone that loves CoD4 like me! xD
    2. BunN eeE
      BunN eeE
      Hello everyone that is a part of the FREE MLG Lesson group. I am proud to present out Official MLG Thread. You can check out what to expect of this group in the future, but for now check it out, and in the comments tell me on what I should add or change, Thanks.

      NOTE: *The Thread, and Lesson Sing up Link are still in progress!*

      ~ IB u IN N ii
    3. BunN eeE
      BunN eeE
      I changed my GT and when I sent a friends request to x F a n T a it said the account doesn't exist...

      GT - IB u IN N ii
    4. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      ooh thats a good one.. but technically he isnt walking the dog.. maybe... pushing a car is a little obvious.. hmm... idk really
    5. E93
      Starting to get pissy, are we?
    6. E93
      lol, no!
      It doesnt offend me!

      I just thought it was funny you put that in your sig.
    7. E93
      *stares at Forge Freaks's sig*

      Yeah, ok.
    8. E93
      Why do you feel the need to tell the world you've been here since the WordPress?
    9. BunN eeE
      BunN eeE
      I see you are a part of the MLG Lesson group, if you want me to teach you anything I need to know your gamertag, so send me

      GT - BuNnY Iz BeAsT
    10. Shad0wAssassin5
      hey so are you the dude that sent me a f/r?
      my gt is:ShadowSoldier58
      just wondering because i got a f/r from x F a n t a
    11. o Forge Freak o
      o Forge Freak o
      I don't feel like it. Lol. Many reasons. One, I want to talk to you about the map before I start building, so you can point out possible flaws, etc, and I'm pretty sure there's going to be multiple versions... around 4. I'll tell you this right now, it's a mini-game/race map more than anything else (but not really either), and it will be popular.
    12. RiioT
      I cant get on tonight im grounded. Well just put the map you have sofar on your fileshare and put in the description (Download AcTiViZiOn) kk and il put a few idea's on it and see how you like them. kk
    13. RiioT
      kk that will be cool.
    14. MONKEYDEATH3730
      thanx, ill take my reward in cash now

    15. RiioT
      Yes i will forge with you but it will have to be tomorrow. kk
    16. MONKEYDEATH3730
      i was there before wordpress
    17. MONKEYDEATH3730
      Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

      i think ive been around longer...
    18. absentrabbit
      Yeah, I remember you... Didn't you die? I could have sworn someone killed you.
    20. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Shaddup Caboose, I see it just fine.
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  • About

    Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 125)



    "My style's so underground, I write rhymes on fossils."

    GT: x F a n T a
    Add for MLG Customs, Fun Customs, Map Testing, Forging, or MM :]