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Oct 3, 2019 at 7:22 PM
Jun 20, 2008
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Feb 3, 1996 (Age: 29)
Playing my Xbox 360 (If that is one)

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Ancient, from Ireland

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STEClash96 was last seen:
Oct 3, 2019
    1. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Okay first of all, there is no way you red what I wrote in two minuets, that's impossible you skimmed trough it. Second, Im not flamming you, im trying to explain something to you but you refuse to understand. Thrid why do you feel sorry for him? He WANTS WANTS WANTS WANTS bad rep.
    2. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Um.... Do you even read what I post? Let me explain it for the fourth time. Monkey Death posts like an idiot to get bad rep. Monkey death want bad rep so he posts like an idiot.
      So another idiot made a social group so he could get 3 red bars of bad rep a long time ago. Monkey death use to have 1 red bar of bad rep. then he started trying to get bad rep so he posted like and idiot.
      So another idiot came along and made a scoial group so he could get negative rep. He started getting more and more bad rep from it untill what he has now. let me say this again since you clearly don't under stand me. Monkey Death WANTS bad rep. So when you give him good rep he gets map. Now here you are, you make a soical group trying to get people to give him + rep because you think he wants it. So you told me that you're going to keep + repping him untill he gets a grey bar. Don't you think that will piss him off? Like how hes worked so hard to get to the point hes at now for an idiot like you to come along and start + repping him for no reason? Now go ahead and ask me a pointless question about what I've explained to you 4 times now.
    3. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Im not talking about him. He WANTS bad rep. He WANTS Bad Rep He WANTS Bad Rep He WANTS Bad Rep He WANTS Bad Rep He WANTS Bad Rep He WANTS Bad Rep He WANTS Bad Rep. Also Hes acting like a douche to try to get - rep. And Im not going to infarct I was talking about how I'll infract you if your + repping him for no reason just to get him to grey. Also He will be pissed off at you if you + rep him. He WANTS Bad Rep
    4. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Considering that hes TRYING to get - rep makes him a rep *****. Hes asking for it and look at the way he posts. He try to be the most hated person. Why would he join a group called " Peditiron to get Monkey Death 3 Red bars " He wants - rep. Its going to be hard to + rep him if he posts like the way he dose now. I gave him two inractions today, Watch how you give him rep. Becuase im watching.
    5. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      why did you join a group to give monkey death + rep for no reason?
    6. Ryan. K.
      Ryan. K.
      How are you on this fine day, sir.
    7. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      How long were you warned for? i want me sig back :(
    8. KB
      well I have been speaking to Blood fire and he is gonna lift in a few days
    9. KB
      well a couple a days ago i decided to be a rep whor but then I stopped then they caught me
    10. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Rep whoring :(
      I'm pretty gutted
    11. OwlWolf
      Ya thanks for the rep
      but inferior got on my account and sent that to everyone who gave me rep
      what a loser lol
    12. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      soz i forgot
    13. JessicaJones
      Okay, can't you stop that >:[
    14. xFr1ct10nx
    15. JessicaJones
      I know that, I guess. You told me and you staus says it....0.o
    16. xFr1ct10nx
      techno and dance is pretty good, i listen to techno and rock when i play halo sometimes.
    17. xFr1ct10nx
      ok, well at least you dont like rap. raps gay
    18. xFr1ct10nx
    19. xFr1ct10nx
      OMFGWTFLMFAO! its teh best metal band ever!
    20. xFr1ct10nx
      i know hitman, and jess dont deny your insane luv for slipknot either. lolz
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  • About

    Feb 3, 1996 (Age: 29)
    Playing my Xbox 360 (If that is one)
    My name is Stephen and I'm 14 years old. I like girls, hanging out with friends and playing Halo 3.

    Football, Halo, Computers, Girls, ect.


    You can't spell Slaughter without Laughter.