Ja Red is Ninja
Last Activity:
Mar 13, 2010 at 12:27 AM
Jan 20, 2008
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Ja Red is Ninja

Ancient, from Frog Hub

Senior Member
Ja Red is Ninja was last seen:
Mar 13, 2010
    1. IrishBeast
      fixed you mean sending it in to Microsoft? Other wise, after I wrote the last comment to you I went and forged on the map! I did a small walkway and started a building in the defenders base. And where that huge crane I built was, I merged he double wall and added fence walls, and a merged b sign for cover over there!.... I was wondering I fI could re-do the wall that blocks off the unused part of our map. Also I want to change up that structure by the defenders base that is double boxes and all wall corners, it is just useless! So, tell me what is your xbox status and what I can completely change.

    2. TheDarkKnight05
    3. IrishBeast
      If so, I will do some stuff to the map, not much over the time till you get back. If you are not I am going to start a new map and do most of it over a LONGER time. If you get back before the end of that you can show me how to post the map, pictures, and help with finishing it, testing it and other forge related things.

      Though I might not do that at all, so just keep me posted on forgehub..... k?

      Read that again to understand it it is long I KNOW!
    4. IrishBeast
      Ummmmmmm... THAT DOES SUCK. Well first off will you be getting a new one within a month or two?
    5. IrishBeast
      hey dude sorry bout no map-making.... i guess this will be a LONG-term project if at all. Umm i like what you added recently. I juts am getting harder tests and more homework. I like far cry 2 a lot also. Too many things going against the map. SORRY! I would say if you want to work on it go ahead...... i will messgae you here or on xbl when i have time to forge and want the copy of the map... THANKS AND SORRY!
    6. Enslaved bunny
      Enslaved bunny
      hey check out my new map
    7. IrishBeast
      Hey that sounds cool... I was just looking at pics of some peoples map and they are all completely aesthetic... so tough **** going on! Um i will friend you at like 9 or 10 do not fell like sleeping in so yeah. Then I will just fool around in halo until you wish to invite me/ get on live! Would really like to help out wit that map!
    8. IrishBeast
      Hey around 11:00 or 12:00 could you goon I will friend request in morning. I was wondering if you had a map you needed help with or a map you wanted to start with someone? Because in the last two or three weeks I have started 5 or 6 serious maps and get way bored of them.... got any new ideas?
    9. IrishBeast
      Dude I can not go on way too much home work than soccer practice then prob homework again and then sleep but absolutely will be on friday!
    10. IrishBeast
      go on at around 2:45-3:00 eastern standard i think i will send the friend request when I get back from school!
    11. IrishBeast
      u mean on xbox live so u can show me?
    12. IrishBeast
      hey normandy have you ever done a budget glitch in the process of making a map?
    13. IrishBeast
      dude thanks for the tip on forging if u could tell me how to give good rep i will give you some!
    14. OwlWolf
      that would be awesome
      then i can check it out
    15. OwlWolf
      Oh why not?
    16. OwlWolf
      How is the map going?
      We got ours up finally
    17. Enslaved bunny
      Enslaved bunny
      the reason i have not been on mmg is because i lost my internet
    18. drak
      Halo 3 Aritificer v2
    19. JASONYO
    20. JASONYO
      u live in oregon 2?
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Frog Hub
    Ja Red is Ninja
    I am part of BrokenBlaze Productions and I make machinima as part of ArchaicNinjaStudio.s

