RK The Beast
Last Activity:
Sep 13, 2009 at 3:24 PM
Aug 8, 2008
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RK The Beast

Ancient, from In London

Senior Member
RK The Beast was last seen:
Sep 13, 2009
    1. Flair iz NasTy
      Flair iz NasTy
      Actually, I think one of your maps could easilly be picked. They are a challenge but are super fun and well made!
    2. Flair iz NasTy
      Flair iz NasTy
      Hey! Did you hear that Tranquilizer got picked as one of the maps on TGIF? I'm really happy that one of the moderators decided to pick that while holding his party, they told me it was great!
    3. Conkerkid11
      I'm sorry, but reading your whole post I did not read anything about it being Symmetrical. I'll try out the map, but did you ask a moderator if it could be a race track? I swear they said something about BTB. Looks great! I have never seen a working Symmetrical race track before!
    4. Conkerkid11
      I would just like to inform you that it actually says your map has to be symmetrical and your race track isn't.

      I don't know if this part is a "Have To." But it also says that it has to be a BTB map, and this obviously isn't.
    5. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      Ryan I saw you new video of whatever on your youtube page lmao. I dont understand but what ever ;)
    6. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      Hello my fellow friend. Ryan that is, whats up man I need you to look at my new track Tread Im kindof stuck so just whenever you get a chance is good. Thanks.
    7. Sirant
      Shaved Gorilla
    8. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      THERE you happy lol jk. So are you at school
    9. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      Ryan check out my track laurock's post can you post a comment explaining that the track is very fast paced and extremely fun because I dont think anybody realizes how fun it is. Thanks.
    10. Blaze
      NP Its deff amongst the best of racing maps.
    11. Combat P3nguin
      Combat P3nguin
      pretty good your a way better forger then me
    12. Blaze
      Ya it would be cool stuff though..
    13. Blaze
      I know what you mean. I've had to rebudget a few maps.
    14. Blaze
      I seen your race track map with the train in it. I had a cool idea. You should keep everything there for the most part. (the race track) and add a few more jump ups and then add weapons, take out all the mongeese but like one or 2 and make a competitive map that is on a race track...? What do you think?
    15. AnF Knight
      AnF Knight
      Ryan just add Dice Man 11 on xbox and ill talk to u there im gonna go play matchmaking... Im waiting
    16. Sirant
      I posted Zycon V3 because I finally finished it you should check it out 8)
    17. Sirant
      you should try to find more of your friends on live that have a forgehub acount so far I found 3
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