ಠ_ಠ poop poop poop invisible poop song that nemi will never find becayse her is dumb poop poop poop oh and if i make spelling mistakes its because i cant see what im typoing poop poop poop
RIP he will be missed by the way i found out that it was my friend from school (Ian) who was responsible for the spam he thought it would be a good way to prank me and my five other friends who have accounts so yeah im gonna beat him up at school tomorrow but he says sorry for bein a douche
A little. I'm running out of different places to get my avatar. (a subtle invitation for you to draw me one lol)
It's not like I can actually do anything. Usually, I just report stuff and/or PM one of the mods. But that's all.
lol, thank youz reply: right right, i just noticed you and i were the first "on the scene" and i thought something needed to be done asap, considering this dude was going nuts on like 3 separate forum sections...