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Oct 2, 2011 at 2:01 PM
Jul 7, 2008
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Ancient, from Temple Terrace, FL

Senior Member
n1n3CAL was last seen:
Oct 2, 2011
    1. lefty0904
      ahhh that was sick dude i can't wait for the whole thing
    2. lefty0904
      hey my friend's gamertags are "x dr mcnasty x, immortal nastyy, its n a s t y y, uncannymight, warhawkrampage3, x mlg mcnasty x, and ppu n a s t y y." i think he has clips in all of his file shares.
    3. lefty0904
      whats your gamertag?
    4. lefty0904
      that was sick. I really liked the editing. And the transition at like 1:02 was amazing. He'll probably want to change the song and then sync the montage to it but that's the only thing I can think of. Great work. I texted him the link to the montage so I'll let you know what he thinks a little later today. And I'll tell him to upload the rest of his clips to his file share.
    5. lefty0904
      alright cool thats good to hear. you can take as long as you want. also we might be turning it into a team montage so you'll have more clips to work with. but yea i would just say use the clips from matchmaking in his file share. i didnt realize that some of the clips were from custom games. and then whenever you get done with the preview or whatever just give me a link. Thanks this is a big help to us
    6. lefty0904
      Hey here's a link to my friend's file share for the montage.
      Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share

      So yea i guess just put a couple of the clips together with some editing and I'll show it to him to see if he likes it. And he says that if you make the montage and he likes it he'll rank you up as high as you want. Thanks
    7. What's A Scope?
    8. Aimless Ant
      Aimless Ant
      Just wanted to let you know that Lotus is now posted und competitive maps. Thanks for your help testing, i hope you will check out the finished version.
    9. LIGHTSOUT225
      No worries, man. Understandable. After Hell's Bells Id like to use Califorina Love by Tupac & Dr. Dre
    10. NegativeHUNTER
      I saw your Farewell Foundry recently and I must say well made. If youever need a body actor for your Machinimas I'm available just send a FR my way and I ll be there to help.
    11. FrankFries
      Anyone want to organize a group to get Icy Dead People? (50 waves on a snowblind map)
    12. Brodellsky
      Sounds good.
    13. Brodellsky
      Hmmm, well it honestly depends on the games, but I'll probably only need about a half an hour, and then opinions from the testers, which will only take a few minutes.
      So just figure about a half an hour, this is some real basic testing, there will probably end up being a second one too before I release it.
    14. kamimartian
      Thanks. In truth, I have some idea about the merge - its more just I don't have the patience or the time to spend hours getting it right... ;) But anyway, always nice to get positive feedback.
    15. ZANDER1994
      Hey dude, so are you not going to be able to make the video?
      Should I just post the map?
    16. ZANDER1994
      No, it's fine for me.
    17. ZANDER1994
      It's just that the guy who I forged with keeps asking when I'm going to post it. But that's okay. Take as long as you need.
    18. ZANDER1994
      How much longer do you think it will be until the vid is done?
    19. IsKiMoJoE
      i will tell u its not hard but u know what i play for fun not achievements so i doubt i will ever try it, id rather just get me some laser
    20. IsKiMoJoE
      not like it was that hard
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    Home Page:
    Temple Terrace, FL
    Ender Gamma
    I like to make machinima and forge maps
