it looked like a standard smg to me. most people really dont take the time to really look and appreciate the fine details on the weapons.
well, this game is during the events of halo 3 from another perspective. i dont think much will change.
yeah, graphics have been uped a notch, but people are missing things and creating new things in their minds.
in that video, thats an SMG with a silencer on it, and the brutes are identical to the ones we currently have... he was looking at them through a scope. basically the only thing new in the video is the silencer/scope for the smg. :)
well, w/e dude, its ok, its just that i got it from four people, and linu, of all people, understood perfectly...w/e I just know by now, that thats wrong to rate by pictures....i dont need any more reminders I am still giving a full review, which obviously to me means download...anyways, cya... what i wrote again...i say I'd like mroe pics and i say ill download and rate ( im also going to do a full review BTW)
That's because the '08's look like Hyundais of course no on will want to drag it :P ..... anyways I'll stick with the beastiness of my '07 lol
shhh you don't know who I am .... lol as far as the forester goes, the '09 XT has the same engine as the WRX, what more performance could you want from a stock subie? lol
I hate the way the '08's look, I however love the way the '09 Foresters look. SO i'm looking to buy one of those this summer.
we'll have a few people doing weapons and spawns. Most likely you Chips and Chuck possibly one more too