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Oct 26, 2010 at 11:05 AM
Oct 7, 2008
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Senior Member
07WRX was last seen:
Oct 26, 2010
    1. TexturedSun
      Ah right ... oh well ... good luck with that :p
    2. CHUCK
      bravo dude, that's respectful. honestly.
    3. MONKEYDEATH3730
      i know, bathe in the glory
    4. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Shaddup, Ty.
    5. squidhands
      Nice. What I've seen so far has been great. The shot of the guy bringing down the Star Destroyer made the hair on the back of my neck stand up the first time I saw it.
    6. squidhands
      Sweet! Glad to hear there's more of a story this time around.
    7. squidhands
      You said it. He had the right idea with Empire and to a lesser extent, Jedi with letting someone else direct. He can come up with a good story, but he sure as hell can't direct one.
    8. J A Y
      J A Y
      yeah, it's pretty beast looking. I kinda miss mine.
    9. J A Y
      J A Y
      lol, I won't tell anyone :p

      We have kept the 09 stock, my mum likes it mainly because that it looks like a chicks car. When we had your model she would always get annoyed because people would try and drag her all the time. So we got the new model and it doesn't happen as much.

      My dad owns a my02 sti and it's nearly always at the tuner getting something new done to it. Last time he went to a dyno day he got 380kw at the wheels.

      im off man, i'll catch you later
    10. squidhands
      Sweet, I was hoping that would be the case. How they diminished the bad-assness of his character is just horrible.
    11. J A Y
      J A Y
      I hated it at first, but it has slowly grown on me..

      Oh yeah, the 09 forester is almost too good. My dad is really into performance cars. So I don't see him buying it.

      Good to see you back
    12. J A Y
      J A Y
      i remember you talking about a 07rex. I'm not sure if you had it yet or were about to get it. But it looks like you have it; and may I say, it's a very nice car. My parents had one for awhile and they traded it for the new 08 look.
    13. squidhands
      As am I. Big Star Wars fan from the start, and I even enjoyed playing the Obi-Wan game from a few years back. I'll definitely check it out.
    14. squidhands
      Yeah, I don't have all the new achievements either. I keep forgetting about the assassination one until about 1 minute left on Avalanche. damn it.

      How do you like TFU? I played the demo and thought it was all right, but it seemed as if it would get a little stale throwing **** around all the time. I'll probably borrow it from a friend once he's done with it.
    15. squidhands
      G043R's done the SLASO a couple of times, I think. Good luck, man. I'll never do Cortana on Legendary again. All I need is the Lightswitch as well until the new maps come out. It'll be interesting to see what this prize is we're supposed to get with all of the Vidmaster achievements.
    16. TexturedSun
      I'll n00b you ... thought you'd martyr'd yourself to get away from here ... hahahaha

    17. squidhands
      so are you not playing Halo any more?
    18. squidhands
      It was Textured Sun, and a few people seemed genuine about you not being in that position any more.

      "Good luck to you, buddy ... wherever you are and whatever you're doing.*sadfaic*"

      "RIP you will be missed. D:" (that was my favorite. He's not dead, people!)

      and the Simpsons song that Vice sent you.
    19. squidhands
      Yeah, there's a "We'll miss you, Ty" thread going on there and someone found out your secret identity.
    20. KB
      crazy .... lolz all the nubs I have ever talked to have never heard of you so idk why you did it
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