GD27 BlueDevil
Last Activity:
12y 47w ago
Jan 27, 2008
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Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
Miami, Florida
Fighting Crime

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GD27 BlueDevil

Ancient, from Miami, Florida

Senior Member
GD27 BlueDevil was last seen:
Apr 16, 2012
    1. M.Jelleh
      how goes the map gd? if you need any help i might be able to get on tonight
    2. Blaze
      im doing only a good deal of the map.. im also redoing your part for the most, because it wasnt too clean looking. it will be as feature worthy as any of my other maps for sure.. theres no multi-leved-ness exactly.. its just similar to flatline and curbstomps build. dont worry about it. haha. im doing as good as id do on any of my own maps and i will explain to you whats going on with what ive done when you see it.. we cant put cover or brs on the top b/c thats too convient for players.. spawns would be nice and if we block the rest off perfect maybe we can add a gravlift into the map?? it wuold allow some pretty new game play
    3. InferiorPigeon
      Hey I got exalted posted!
      You can find it HERE
    4. Blaze
      just dont worry.. lol. it will be perfect.
    5. Blaze
      it wont be breakable. lol. youll just be allowed to get on the top of it.. like flatline and curbstomps bridges. i only plan to block off the back rooms and the part you had blocked off.
    6. Blaze
      no.. build the map so there is nowhere to break out of. only block a little bit of the map. but if someone wants to get on top of the bridge, let them, b/c they can do any harm by getting up there honestly. normally youd think if they get up there it would be easier to get kills and it would make people mad but if there allowed to any1 could go up and just kill them off + i will build the map so that is not really easy to get kills up there.
    7. Blaze
      i will be doing more before the weekend.. and imnot sure.. its not so much a base but just like ground..

      im also doing this thing ive learned.. instead of making your map break proof, you make it so that they cant get out of the map but if they want to get on top of it who cares.. just make it so if they nade just themselves up to the top then they wont rape up there.
    8. Blaze
      Blaze : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    9. Blaze
      Blaze : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    10. Blaze
      i have the picutes on my bungie.. its the first 2
    11. Blaze
      ya.. ll get some pictures..
    12. Blaze
      we could do that.. i will leave you up to that.. ill just do a lot of the geomestry and spawns. we need to have ffa slayer and team slayer tho..
    13. Blaze
      i did somewhat cool things. and im reconstruction your stuff mostly.
    14. Blaze
      ilike code better. :-)

      and im not planning your map haha. its like a good good big deal done. haha. and ill get on and show you soon.
    15. Firetag
      I be making machinima with friend...i'll be done with first video in a couple of months...but idk i may get on sometime...with school and things.. I don't have much time for video least I don't feel like playing them anymore.
    16. Blaze
      what is your favorite of all my maps?
    17. Blaze
      go ahead take it off. thats what she said. :-P im sorry i had too...
    18. Blaze
      and dont worry..ill make it great! :-D
    19. Blaze
      i didnt yet sorry ill dl 2night for sure.. im sorry
    20. TNF
      Looks pretty good.