Well that was still the beta version you played, we have fixed spawns, and CTF spawns have been fixed and changed around. We're testing now, so I'll get back to you.
lol did you send that to me, or a bunch of different people? If you just sent it me, i would but isn't it about to be over
Wait, necroposting is when you bring a old post back to life right? I posted on it when it was the post available in that little box in the forums section where it gives you a preview of the stuff. Sorry, it was just there, I just clicked it and responded. And if was about my short little post, sorry, I really don't do that stuff, I always give helpful feedback and normally have stuff to say. I'm really not a spammer. I understand why you reported me, i guess, i didn't bring the post back to life though... I guess I just don't understand why 2 other people also reported me...