Well, why not just put it all in one post? Or maybe spread them out a bit? And I wish you best of luck with your site.
Wait, you're using the blog section - Forge Hub's Blog Section - to advertise for your own website? Could you at least have the decency not to flood the entire thing with all of those things at once? I don't want to sound like I'm condescending or anything - I actually like it when people try to make their own spin-off sites, as long as it's non-aggressive - but that's a lot of stuff at once. Know what I mean?
New G and A site created by HellsRequiem and I. Plz join. The link is: Edit this text via the Admin Control Panel • Index page
lol is it fun typing rules? i finished the signature you can check it out if you want, i think you will like it, there is no negative space this time. well not much lol.
ha im just photo shopping like usual ^_^ sorry for not responding too quickly im trying to whip a new style up for my self as well as talk to you lol
haha, i actually liked it but your current one is good too the other one, it was just there and so simple, it was cool